I am trying to hide and show RadHtmlChart based on selection of dropdown. It works fine (hides and shows) unless i set style="display:none;", in that case it does not show itself. Not sure if it matters, but I load control not on Page_Load, but on Button click.
This is another annoyance with Telerik controls that drives me bananas.
Please suggest something
<telerik:RadHtmlChart runat="server" ID="pieChart" style="display:none;"
Width="1100px" Height="580px"
<ChartTitle Text="" >
<Appearance Align="Center" Position="Top" Visible="false">
<TextStyle Bold="true"/>
<Appearance Position="Right" Visible="false"></Appearance>
<telerik:PieSeries DataFieldY="TotalEmploymentOM" NameField="IndustryName">
<LabelsAppearance Position="OutsideEnd" DataField="IndustryName">
<TooltipsAppearance Color="White" DataFormatString="{0:N0}"/>
function onchange_ddlSelectionOM() {
var ddltext = $('option:selected', $('#ddlSelectionOM')).text();
if (ddltext == "Pie") {
document.getElementById("<%=grdOM.ClientID %>").style.display = "none";
document.getElementById("<%=chartJobsBySectorAnnualOM.ClientID %>").style.display = "none";
document.getElementById("<%=pieChart.ClientID %>").style.display = "";