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Radgrid Virtual Paging with Grouping

5 Answers 144 Views
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Kaushal asked on 18 Jul 2011, 01:10 PM
Hello ALL,

              I have a rad grid on my web page, i had applied virtual paging on rad grid as well as grouping on column.

             Rad grid page size is 30, suppose i have 250 records on rad grid so no of available pages would be 9.

              Now i had apply grouping on specific column which have following records on the basis of column value.

             There are three separation after applying grouping on column.

             Type : ABC : 242 records

              Type : DEF : 4 records

               Type : XYZ : 4 records

              Initially i can see the grouping on column but after scrolling i can view only the Type : ABC : 242 records.

              Main concern behind that the after scroll the page virtual paging get fired and i am not able to view rest of the available groups.

              Is there any solution to resolve this issue or any property/setting is to be there that i need to set.

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answered on 20 Jul 2011, 05:54 AM
Hello ALL,

   Please provide me the solution or any kind of help if any. It would be really very helpful to me if any of you guys provide me the solution.
Telerik team
answered on 21 Jul 2011, 10:13 PM
Hello Kaushal,

Please download the attached demo and let me know how to modify it so that I can reproduce the problem at my side.

the Telerik team

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answered on 19 May 2014, 02:23 PM
We are not able to implement paging on the basis of groups. For example we have 5 groups and have 10 rows in each group then if we set page size to 4 then first 4 groups should be displayed and 5th group should be displayed on 2nd page. But what happens is that only 4 rows of Ist group is displayed and 12 page numbers were created.

We have to implement paging based on groups while it is happening based on total records in the groups.

Please help. Its urgent.
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answered on 19 May 2014, 02:27 PM
We are not able to implement paging on the basis of groups. For example we have 5 groups and have 10 rows in each group then if we set page size to 4 then first 4 groups should be displayed and 5th group should be displayed on 2nd page. But what happens is that only 4 rows of Ist group is displayed and 12 page numbers were created.

We have to implement paging based on groups while it is happening based on total records in the groups.

Please help. Its urgent.
Telerik team
answered on 22 May 2014, 01:43 PM
Hello Kelly,

I'm afraid this is not supported at this point. Please examine the following feedback item:
Improve RadGrid's grouping, to get more items from the next page, when group in the current gets collapsed.


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