I recently changed a regular GridBoundColumn to a GridTemplateColumn so that it may serve as a RadComboBox instead of a textbox which allows users to choose from a dropdownlist or type in their own value which can be dynamically saved to the list. I do this in the Insert/Update methods of the Radgrid which will update the tables for the dropdownlists just fine. However, the RadGrid itself no longer finds a value for the column and inserts NULL into its actual column. I will break it down
Columns: ClaimantID, StartDate, EndDate, NoteStatus
Columns: NoteStatusID, Text, ect.
The RadGrid has an aspx sqldatasource with an Insert command into the RadGridTable. This worked perfectly fine.
I added a new OnInsertMethod through C# that will grab the value from RadComboBox and put it into the RadComboBoxTable. This now works fine but on insert and update the value NULL gets put into the RadGridTable. Every other value works just fine.
Here is my RadComboBox:
Columns: ClaimantID, StartDate, EndDate, NoteStatus
Columns: NoteStatusID, Text, ect.
The RadGrid has an aspx sqldatasource with an Insert command into the RadGridTable. This worked perfectly fine.
I added a new OnInsertMethod through C# that will grab the value from RadComboBox and put it into the RadComboBoxTable. This now works fine but on insert and update the value NULL gets put into the RadGridTable. Every other value works just fine.
Here is my RadComboBox:
<telerik:GridTemplateColumn FilterControlAltText="Filter NoteStatus column" HeaderText="Note Status" SortExpression="NoteStatus" UniqueName="NoteStatus" Visible="true">
<%#DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem,"NoteStatus") %>
<telerik:RadComboBox ID="rcbNoteStatus" runat="server" DataField="NoteStatus" Text='<%#DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem,"NoteStatus") %>' EnableLoadOnDemand="true" OnItemsRequested="rcbNoteStatus_ItemsRequested" DataTextField="Description" DataValueField="Status" ></telerik:RadComboBox>
<%#DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem,"NoteStatus") %>
<telerik:RadComboBox ID="rcbNoteStatus" runat="server" DataField="NoteStatus" Text='<%#DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem,"NoteStatus") %>' EnableLoadOnDemand="true" OnItemsRequested="rcbNoteStatus_ItemsRequested" DataTextField="Description" DataValueField="Status" ></telerik:RadComboBox>