I've got a radgrid which is full width of it's parent element.
When I apply filtering to my radgrid, it seems like the radgrid doesn't adjust to make room for the filter buttons, as the the right most filter button is placed partially outside of the radgrid.
see this example picture (I've removed all text such as column names and values)
My grid is created programatically. Could I be enabling the filtering at the
This is basically the OnInit method:
When I apply filtering to my radgrid, it seems like the radgrid doesn't adjust to make room for the filter buttons, as the the right most filter button is placed partially outside of the radgrid.
see this example picture (I've removed all text such as column names and values)
My grid is created programatically. Could I be enabling the filtering at the
This is basically the OnInit method:
protected override void OnInit(EventArgs e) {
radGrid = new RadGrid();radGrid.ID = "myGrid";radGrid.NeedDataSource += new GridNeedDataSourceEventHandler(_grid_NeedDataSource);
radGrid.MasterTableView.AllowFilteringByColumn = true;radGrid.MasterTableView.EnableHeaderContextFilterMenu = true;radGrid.Skin = "Windows7"; radGrid.EnableEmbeddedSkins = true; radGrid.Width = Unit.Percentage(100);