Controls: RadEditor, RadTextBox. Version: 2012.3.1120.40
Device, o/s, browser. Ipad ios6 safari
Using these controls:
-Enter some text 'hello world', press and hold for magnifying glass, move between words. Typing more text at this point doesn't work, you need to hide the keyboard and press the control again to start typing again.
-Tap a word. wait for pop up to select word then Select word. same issue again.
-Entering text just into the RadEditor appears quite slow in response
<telerik:RadEditor runat='server' EnableResize="false" ToolsFile="~/ToolsFile.xml"
OnClientCommandExecuting="RichTextBoxOnClientCommandExecuting" ContentAreaMode="Div"
ID='radEditor' Width="400px" StripFormattingOptions="AllExceptNewLines" EditModes="All">
<frameset cols = '100,*,100' id="DashboardFrame" >
<frame name='left' scrolling='auto' id='DashboardFrameLeft' src='MenuJobSteps.asp' width='0'>
<frame name='middle' scrolling='auto' id='DashboardFrameMiddle' src='Test.aspx?JobId=79974' width='0' >
<frame name='right' scrolling='auto' id='DashboardFrameRight' src='TitlePage.asp' width='0'>