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Raddatepicker Selecteddate not update if DBSelecteddate is set

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Arnaud asked on 09 Dec 2014, 10:39 AM

I face a strange issue.
I have a Raddatepicker, the SelectedDate property is correctly updated after I have used the picker. But it is not anymore if I set a DbSelectedDate on page_load, and I can't figure out why.
I have a very similar page where it works fine.

Where am I wrong ?

Here is my asp page :
001.<%@ Page Title="" Language="C#" MasterPageFile="~/Site.Master" AutoEventWireup="true"
002.        CodeBehind="ConsulterProjetCollectes.aspx.cs" Inherits="Remus.Ajax.Web.ConsulterProjetCollectes" %>
004.<%@ Register TagPrefix="uc" TagName="Help" Src="~/UserControls/UC_Help.ascx" %>
005.<%@ Import Namespace="Remus.Ajax.Web" %>
006.<%@ Import Namespace="Gfc.Librairie" %>
007.<%@ Import Namespace="Resources" %>
008.<asp:Content ID="ContentConsulterProjetCollectes" ContentPlaceHolderID="ContentPlaceHolder" runat="server">
009.        <table class="baseform">
010.                <tr>
011.                        <td>
012.                                <input type="button" id="RadButton_Back" value="<%= Traduction.LibelleRetourRechercheProjet %>"
013.                                        class="RadButtonStyle" style="background-color: Transparent; cursor: hand; padding: 2px;"
014.                                        onclick='location.href = "/Pages/Projet/RechercherProjet.aspx"' />
015.                                <input type="button" id="RadButton_BackHome" value="<%= Traduction.LibelleRetourAccueil %>"
016.                                        class="RadButtonStyle" style="background-color: Transparent; cursor: hand; padding: 2px;"
017.                                        onclick='location.href = "/Pages/Accueil/Default.aspx"' />
018.                                <input type="button" id="Button1" value="<%= Traduction.LibelleRetourRechercheCollecte %>"
019.                                        class="RadButtonStyle" style="background-color: Transparent; cursor: hand; padding: 2px;"
020.                                        onclick='location.href = "/Pages/Projet/RechercherFicheCollecte.aspx"' />
021.                        </td>
022.                        <td align="right">
023.                                <uc:Help ID="AideEnLigne" runat="server" />
024.                        </td>
025.                </tr>
026.        </table>
027.        <telerik:RadWindowManager ID="radWindowManager" runat="server" DestroyOnClose="True">
028.        </telerik:RadWindowManager>
029.        <asp:HiddenField ID="HiddenField_Culture" runat="server" />
030.        <telerik:RadAjaxLoadingPanel runat="server" ID="RadAjaxLoadingPanel_ConsulterProjetCollectes" />
031.        <telerik:RadCodeBlock runat="server">
032.                <script type="text/javascript">
033.                        function ConfirmAndBlockForWait(sender, args) {
034.                            var HiddenField_Culture = document.getElementById("<%= HiddenField_Culture.ClientID %>").value;
035.                                if ("fr"==HiddenField_Culture && confirm("Voulez-vous appliquer les informations en base Conso et changer le statut TEST?") == true) {
036.                                        LoadingPanel(1);
037.                              ;
038.                                }
039.                                if ("en"==HiddenField_Culture && confirm("Do you want to apply data on Conso base and change Test status ?") == true) {
040.                                    LoadingPanel(1);
041.                          ;
042.                                }
043.                                args.set_cancel(true);
044.                        }
045.                </script>
046.        </telerik:RadCodeBlock>
047.        <telerik:RadAjaxPanel ID="panneau" runat="server" Width="100%" HorizontalAlign="Left" EnableAJAX="False">
048.                <%--<asp:Repeater ID="entete" runat="server" OnItemDataBound="entete_ItemDataBound">--%>
049.                        <%--<ItemTemplate>--%>
050.                                <table class="baseform" cellspacing="0">
051.                                        <tbody>
052.                                                <tr class="evenLine">
053.                                                        <td class="tdTitleBold" width="160px">
054.                                                                <asp:Literal runat="server" Text="<%$ Resources: Traduction, LibelleNomProjet %>" /> :
055.                                                        </td>
056.                                                        <td class="tdContent" width="160px">
057.                                                            <asp:Label ID="Label_NomProjet" runat="server" Text='' />
058.                                                        </td>
059.                                                        <td class="tdTitleBold" width="130px">
060.                                                                <asp:Literal runat="server" Text="<%$ Resources: Traduction, LibelleCodeProjet%>" /> :
061.                                                        </td>
062.                                                        <td class="tdContent" width="160px">
063.                                                                <asp:Label ID="Label_PrjCode" runat="server" Text='' />                                                           
064.                                                        </td>
065.                                                        <td class="tdTitleBold" width="160px">
066.                                                                <asp:Literal runat="server" Text="<%$ Resources: Traduction, LibelleEtatAvancement%>" /> :
067.                                                        </td>
068.                                                        <td class="tdContent" width="160px">
069.                                                                <asp:Label ID="Label_EtatAvancement" runat="server" Text='' />                                                                                                                       
070.                                                        </td>
071.                                                        <td colspan="2"></td>
072.                                                </tr>
073.                                                <tr class="oddLine">
074.                                                        <td class="tdTitleBold">
075.                                                                <asp:Literal runat="server" Text="<%$ Resources: Traduction, LibelleDescription%>" /> :
076.                                                        </td>
077.                                                        <td class="tdContent" colspan="3">
078.                                                                <asp:Label ID="Label_Description" runat="server" Text='' />                                                                                                                                                                                   
079.                                                        </td>
080.                                                        <td class="tdTitleBold">
081.                                                                <asp:Literal runat="server" Text="<%$ Resources: Traduction, LibelleDateCommercialisation%>" /> :
082.                                                        </td>
083.                                                        <td class="tdContent">
084.                                                                <asp:Label ID="Label_colDateComm" runat="server" Text='' />                                                                                                                                                                                   
085.                                                        </td>
086.                                                        <td colspan="2"></td>
087.                                                </tr>
088.                                                <tr class="evenLine">
089.                                                        <td class="tdTitleBold">
090.                                                                <asp:Literal runat="server" Text="<%$ Resources: Traduction, LibelleChefProjetMarketingAbrege%>" /> :
091.                                                        </td>
092.                                                        <td class="tdContent">
093.                                                                <asp:Label ID="Label_CPM" runat="server" Text='' />                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               
094.                                                        </td>
095.                                                        <td class="tdTitleBold">
096.                                                                <asp:Literal runat="server" Text="<%$ Resources: Traduction, LibelleChefProjetIndustrieAbrege%>" /> :
097.                                                        </td>
098.                                                        <td class="tdContent">
099.                                                                <asp:Label ID="Label_CPI" runat="server" Text='' />                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               
100.                                                        </td>
101.                                                        <td class="tdTitleBold">
102.                                                                <asp:Literal runat="server" Text="<%$ Resources: Traduction, LibelleChemin%>" /> :
103.                                                        </td>
104.                                                        <td class="tdContent">
105.                                                                <asp:Label ID="Label_Chemin" runat="server" Text='' />                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               
106.                                                        </td>
107.                                                </tr>
108.                                                <tr class="oddLine">
109.                                                        <td class="tdTitleBold">
110.                                                                <asp:Literal runat="server" Text="<%$ Resources: Traduction, LibelleExpertComptaCDG%>" /> :
111.                                                        </td>
112.                                                        <td class="tdContent">
113.                                                                <asp:Label ID="Label_CDG" runat="server" Text='' />                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               
114.                                                        </td>
115.                                                        <td class="tdTitleBold">
116.                                                                <asp:Literal runat="server" Text="<%$ Resources: Traduction, LibelleDBA%>" /> :
117.                                                        </td>
118.                                                        <td class="tdContent">
119.                                                                <asp:Label ID="Label_DBA" runat="server" Text='' />                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               
120.                                                        </td>
121.                                                        <td class="tdTitleBold">
122.                                                            <asp:Label ID="Label_ForDateReport" runat="server" AssociatedControlID="RadDatePicker_DateCommercialisationReportee"
123.                                                                Text="<%$ Resources: Traduction, LibelleDateCommercialisationReport %>" />
124.                                                            :
125.                                                        </td>
126.                                                        <td class="tdContent">
127.                                                            <table style="border:0">
128.                                                            <tr>
129.                                                            <td>
130.                                                            <telerik:RadDatePicker ID="RadDatePicker_DateCommercialisationReportee" AutoPostBackControl="Calendar" AutoPostBack="False" runat="server" />
131.                                                            <asp:Label ID="Label_DateComReport" runat="server" Text='' />
132.                                                            </td><td>
133.                                                            <telerik:RadButton ID="RadButton_SaveCollecte" runat="server" OnClick="RadButton_SaveCollecte_Click" Text="<%$ Resources: Traduction, IDS_Enregistrer %>">
134.                                                                <Icon PrimaryIconUrl="~/Content/Images/save.png"></Icon>
135.                                                            </telerik:RadButton>
136.                                                            </td>
137.                                                            </tr>
138.                                                            </table>
139.                                                        </td>
140.                                                        <td colspan="2">
141.                                                        </td>
142.                                                </tr>
143.                                        </tbody>
144.                                </table>
145.                                <table class="baseform" cellspacing="0">
146.                                        <tbody>
147.                                                <tr class="evenLine">
148.                                                        <td class="tdTitleBold" width="160px">
149.                                                                <asp:Literal ID="Literal3" runat="server" Text="<%$ Resources: Traduction, LibelleCodeArticle %>" /> :
150.                                                        </td>
151.                                                        <td class="tdContent">
152.                                                                <asp:Label ID="Label_codeArticle" runat="server" Text='' />                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               
153.                                                        </td>
154.                                                        <td class="tdTitleBold">
155.                                                                <asp:Literal ID="Literal1" runat="server" Text="<%$ Resources: Traduction, LibelleArticle %>" /> :
156.                                                        </td>
157.                                                        <td class="tdContent">
158.                                                                <asp:Label ID="Label_colLib" runat="server" Text='' />                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           
159.                                                        </td>
160.                                                        <td class="tdTitleBold">
161.                                                                <asp:Literal ID="Literal2" runat="server" Text="<%$ Resources: Traduction, LibelleCourtArticle %>" />
162.                                                                :
163.                                                        </td>
164.                                                        <td class="tdContent">
165.                                                                <asp:Label ID="Label_colLibc" runat="server" Text='' />                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           
166.                                                        </td>
167.                                                        <td class="tdTitleBold">
168.                                                                <asp:Literal ID="Literal4" runat="server" Text="<%$ Resources: Traduction, LibelleMarqueFiche %>" />
169.                                                                :
170.                                                        </td>
171.                                                        <td class="tdContent">
172.                                                                <asp:Label ID="Label_Marque" runat="server" Text='' />                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          
173.                                                        </td>
174.                                                </tr>
175.                                                <tr class="oddLine">
176.                                                        <td class="tdTitleBold">
177.                                                                <asp:Literal ID="Literal6" runat="server" Text="<%$ Resources: Traduction, LibelleEtatAvancementArticle%>" />
178.                                                                :
179.                                                        </td>
180.                                                        <td colspan="5" class="tdContent">
181.                                                                <asp:Label ID="Label_colEtatAvancement" runat="server" Text='' />                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          
182.                                                        </td>
183.                                                        <td class="tdTitleBold">
184.                                                                <asp:Literal ID="Literal5" runat="server" Text="<%$ Resources: Traduction, LibelleCodeLogistique %>" />
185.                                                                :
186.                                                        </td>
187.                                                        <td class="tdContent">
188.                                                                <asp:Label ID="Label_codeLog" runat="server" Text='' />                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               
189.                                                        </td>
190.                                                </tr>
191.                                        </tbody>
192.                                </table>
193.                                <!-- Navigation entre les collectes du projet -->
194.                                <br />
195.                                <table width="100%">
196.                                        <tr style="width: 100%;">
197.                                                <td style="width: 50%;" align="left">
198.                                                        <asp:HyperLink id="lienPrecedent" runat="server" Text="<%$ Resources: Traduction, pagePrecedente %>"></asp:HyperLink>
199.                                                        <%--<a id="lienPrecedent" href="ConsulterProjetCollectes.aspx?colCode=<%# Eval(Str (x=>x.prevColCode)) %>">
200.                                                        <asp:Literal ID="literal7" runat="server" Text="<%$ Resources: Traduction, pagePrecedente %>" /></a>--%>
201.                                                        <asp:Label runat="server" ID="Label_currentCollecte" Text=''></asp:Label>
202.                                                        <asp:HyperLink id="lienSuivant" runat="server" Text="<%$ Resources: Traduction, pageSuivante %>"></asp:HyperLink>
203.                                                        <%--<a id="lienSuivant" href="ConsulterProjetCollectes.aspx?colCode=<%# Eval(Str (x=>x.nextColCode)) %>">
204.                                                        <asp:Literal ID="literal8" runat="server" Text="<%$ Resources: Traduction, pageSuivante %>" /></a>--%>
205.                                                </td>
206.                                                <td style="width: 50%;" align="right">
207.                                                        <telerik:RadButton ID="RadButtonSuppression" AutoPostBack="true" ToolTip="<%$ Resources: Traduction, Tooltip_BtnSuppresionCollecte %>"  Text="<%$ Resources: Traduction, BtnSuppresionCollecte %>"
208.                                                                runat="server" OnClick="RadButtonSuppression_Click">
209.                                                        </telerik:RadButton>
210.                                                </td>
211.                                        </tr>
212.                                </table>
213.                                <br />
214.                                <hr />
215.                                <br />
216.                                <!-- Corps de la visualisation -->
217.                                <table class="consultation">
218.                                        <tbody>
219.                                                <%--<asp:Repeater ID="paveOuverture" runat="server" DataSource='<%# Eval(Str(x=>x.paveOuverture)) %>' OnItemDataBound="paves_ItemDataBound">--%>
220.                                                <asp:Repeater ID="paveOuverture" runat="server" OnItemDataBound="paves_ItemDataBound">                                                   
221.                                                        <HeaderTemplate>
222.                                                                <tr class="headerLine">
223.                                                                        <td colspan="5">
224.                                                                                <asp:Literal runat="server" Text="<%$ Resources: Traduction, paveOuvertureWF %>" />
225.                                                                        </td>
226.                                                                </tr>
227.                                                                <tr class="headerLine2">
228.                                                                        <th>
229.                                                                                <asp:Literal runat="server" Text="<%$ Resources: Traduction, IDS_ColonneDescription %>" />
230.                                                                        </th>
231.                                                                        <th>
232.                                                                                <asp:Literal runat="server" Text="<%$ Resources: Traduction, IDS_ColonneNom %>" />
233.                                                                        </th>
234.                                                                        <th class="date">
235.                                                                                <asp:Literal runat="server" Text="<%$ Resources: Traduction, IDS_ColonneDateEcheance %>" />
236.                                                                        </th>
237.                                                                        <th class="date">
238.                                                                                <asp:Literal runat="server" Text="<%$ Resources: Traduction, IDS_ColonneDateVisa %>" />
239.                                                                        </th>
240.                                                                        <th>
241.                                                                                <asp:Literal runat="server" Text="<%$ Resources: Traduction, IDS_ColonneCommentaire%>" />
242.                                                                        </th>
243.                                                                </tr>
244.                                                        </HeaderTemplate>
245.                                                        <ItemTemplate>
246.                                                                <tr class="<%# (int)(Eval (StrBloc (x => % 2 != 0 ? "oddLine" : "evenLine" %>">
247.                                                                        <td>
248.                                                                                <span class="domaine_<%# Eval (StrBloc (x => x.domaine)) %>"><a href="<%# Eval (StrBloc (x => x.href))%>">
249.                                                                                        <%# Eval (StrBloc (x => x.bloc))%></a> </span>
250.                                                                        </td>
251.                                                                        <td>
252.                                                                                <table class="consultationName">
253.                                                                                        <tr>
254.                                                                                                <td class="fieldNameText">
255.                                                                                                        <%# Eval (StrBloc (x => x.nom))%>
256.                                                                                                </td>
257.                                                                                                <td class="fieldNameImg">
258.                                                                                                        <%--<asp:LinkButton CommandName="ChangeResp" CommandArgument='<%# Eval(StrBloc(x=> %>'
259.                                                        OnClick="OnPaveOuvertureClick" ID="LinkButton2" runat="server" Visible='<%# Eval(StrBloc(x=> x.peutModifierResponsableBloc)) %>'>
260.                                                        <asp:Image ID="Image3" runat="server" ImageUrl="/Content/Template/16x16/blue_user.png" /></asp:LinkButton>--%>
261.                                                                                                        <telerik:RadButton ID="RadButtonDelegationBloc" AutoPostBack="False" CssClass="classImageRadButtonDelegationBloc"
262.                                                                                                                runat="server" Height="16px" Width="16px" Visible='<%# Eval(StrBloc(x=>x.peutModifierResponsableBloc)) %>'>
263.                                                                                                                <Image EnableImageButton="True"></Image>
264.                                                                                                        </telerik:RadButton>
265.                                                                                                </td>
266.                                                                                        </tr>
267.                                                                                </table>
268.                                                                        </td>
269.                                                                        <td class="date">
270.                                                                                <%# Eval (StrBloc (x => x.dateEcheance))%>
271.                                                                        </td>
272.                                                                        <td class="date">
273.                                                                                <%# Eval (StrBloc (x => x.dateVisa))%>
274.                                                                        </td>
275.                                                                        <td>
276.                                                                                <span title="<%# Eval (StrBloc (x => x.commentaire)) %>">
277.                                                                                        <%# Eval (StrBloc (x => x.commentaire)).ConvertToType<string> ().TruncateNicely (30)%>
278.                                                                                </span>
279.                                                                        </td>
280.                                                                        <td class="boutonBlocVisa">
281.                                                                                <%--<asp:LinkButton CommandName="Edition" CommandArgument='<%# Eval(StrBloc(x=> %>'
282.                                            OnClick="OnPaveOuvertureClick" ID="LinkButtonEdition" runat="server" Visible='<%# Eval(StrBloc(x=>x.peutModifierLeBlocVisa)) %>'>
283.                                            <asp:Image ID="ImageEdition" runat="server" ImageUrl="/Content/Template/16x16/blue_edit.png" /></asp:LinkButton>--%>
284.                                                                                <telerik:RadButton ID="RadButtonEdition" AutoPostBack="False" CssClass="classImageRadButtonVisualisationCollectes"
285.                                                                                        runat="server" Height="16px" Width="16px" Visible='<%# Eval(StrBloc(x=>x.peutModifierLeBlocVisa)) %>'>
286.                                                                                        <Image EnableImageButton="True"></Image>
287.                                                                                </telerik:RadButton>
288.                                                                        </td>
289.                                                                        <td class="boutonBlocVisa">
290.                                                                                <asp:Image ID="ImageVisaValidate" runat="server" ImageUrl="/Content/Template/16x16/blue_visavalidate.png"
291.                                                                                        Visible='<%# Eval(StrBloc(x=>x.estVisaPoseSurBloc)) %>' />
292.                                                                                <asp:LinkButton CommandName="PoserVisa" CommandArgument='<%# Eval(StrBloc(x=> %>'
293.                                                                                        OnClick="OnPaveOuvertureClick" ID="LinkButtonPoserVisa" runat="server" Visible='<%# Eval(StrBloc(x=>x.peutPoserLeVisaSurLeBlocDepuisEcranVisualisation)) %>'>
294.                                                                                        <asp:Image ID="ImagePoserVisa" runat="server" ImageUrl="/Content/Template/16x16/blue_visaforvalidate.png" />
295.                                                                                </asp:LinkButton>
296.                                                                        </td>
297.                                                                        <td class="boutonBlocVisa">
298.                                                                                <asp:LinkButton CommandName="Rules" CommandArgument='<%# Eval(StrBloc(x=> %>'
299.                                                                                        OnClick="OnPaveOuvertureClick" ID="LinkButtonRules" runat="server">
300.                                                                                        <asp:Image ID="ImgRules" runat="server" ImageUrl="/Content/Template/16x16/blue_regles.png" />
301.                                                                                </asp:LinkButton>
302.                                                                        </td>
303.                                                                        <td class="boutonBlocVisa">
304.                                                                                <asp:LinkButton CommandName="Help" CommandArgument='<%# Eval(StrBloc(x=> %>'
305.                                                                                        OnClick="OnPaveOuvertureClick" ID="LinkButtonHelp" runat="server">
306.                                                                                        <asp:Image ID="Image1" runat="server" ImageUrl="/Content/Template/16x16/blue_visalabel.png" />
307.                                                                                </asp:LinkButton>
308.                                                                        </td>
309.                                                                </tr>
310.                                                        </ItemTemplate>
311.                                                </asp:Repeater>
312.                                                <%--<asp:Repeater ID="paveSuiviCollecte1" runat="server" DataSource='<%# Eval(Str(x=>x.paveSuiviCollecte1)) %>' OnItemDataBound="paves_ItemDataBound">--%>
313.                                                <asp:Repeater ID="paveSuiviCollecte1" runat="server" OnItemDataBound="paves_ItemDataBound">                                                   
314.                                                        <HeaderTemplate>
315.                                                                <tr class="headerLine">
316.                                                                        <td colspan="5">
317.                                                                                <asp:Literal runat="server" Text="<%$ Resources: Traduction, paveSuiviCollecte1 %>" />
318.                                                                        </td>
319.                                                                </tr>
320.                                                                <tr class="headerLine2">
321.                                                                        <th>
322.                                                                                <asp:Literal runat="server" Text="<%$ Resources: Traduction, IDS_ColonneDescription %>" />
323.                                                                        </th>
324.                                                                        <th>
325.                                                                                <asp:Literal runat="server" Text="<%$ Resources: Traduction, IDS_ColonneNom %>" />
326.                                                                        </th>
327.                                                                        <th class="date">
328.                                                                                <asp:Literal runat="server" Text="<%$ Resources: Traduction, IDS_ColonneDateEcheance %>" />
329.                                                                        </th>
330.                                                                        <th class="date">
331.                                                                                <asp:Literal runat="server" Text="<%$ Resources: Traduction, IDS_ColonneDateVisa %>" />
332.                                                                        </th>
333.                                                                        <th>
334.                                                                                <asp:Literal runat="server" Text="<%$ Resources: Traduction, IDS_ColonneCommentaire%>" />
335.                                                                        </th>
336.                                                                </tr>
337.                                                        </HeaderTemplate>
338.                                                        <ItemTemplate>
339.                                                                <tr class="<%# (int)(Eval (StrBloc (x => % 2 != 0 ? "oddLine" : "evenLine" %>">
340.                                                                        <td>
341.                                                                                <span class="domaine_<%# Eval (StrBloc (x => x.domaine)) %>"><a href="<%# Eval (StrBloc (x => x.href))%>">
342.                                                                                        <%# Eval (StrBloc (x => x.bloc))%></a> </span>
343.                                                                        </td>
344.                                                                        <td>
345.                                                                                <table class="consultationName">
346.                                                                                        <tr>
347.                                                                                                <td class="fieldNameText">
348.                                                                                                        <%# Eval (StrBloc (x => x.nom))%>
349.                                                                                                </td>
350.                                                                                                <td class="fieldNameImg">
351.                                                                                                        <%--<asp:LinkButton CommandName="ChangeResp" CommandArgument='<%# Eval(StrBloc(x=> %>'
352.                                                        OnClick="OnPaveSuiviCollecte1Click" ID="LinkButton3" runat="server" Visible='<%# Eval(StrBloc(x=> x.peutModifierResponsableBloc)) %>'>
353.                                                        <asp:Image ID="Image4" runat="server" ImageUrl="/Content/Template/16x16/blue_user.png" /></asp:LinkButton>--%>
354.                                                                                                        <telerik:RadButton ID="RadButtonDelegationBloc" AutoPostBack="False" CssClass="classImageRadButtonDelegationBloc"
355.                                                                                                                runat="server" Height="16px" Width="16px" Visible='<%# Eval(StrBloc(x=>x.peutModifierResponsableBloc)) %>'>
356.                                                                                                                <Image EnableImageButton="True"></Image>
357.                                                                                                        </telerik:RadButton>
358.                                                                                                </td>
359.                                                                                        </tr>
360.                                                                                </table>
361.                                                                        </td>
362.                                                                        <td class="date">
363.                                                                                <%# Eval (StrBloc (x => x.dateEcheance))%>
364.                                                                        </td>
365.                                                                        <td class="date">
366.                                                                                <%# Eval (StrBloc (x => x.dateVisa))%>
367.                                                                        </td>
368.                                                                        <td>
369.                                                                                <span title="<%# Eval (StrBloc (x => x.commentaire)) %>">
370.                                                                                        <%# Eval (StrBloc (x => x.commentaire)).ConvertToType<string> ().TruncateNicely (30)%>
371.                                                                                </span>
372.                                                                        </td>
373.                                                                        <td class="boutonBlocVisa">
374.                                                                                <%--<asp:LinkButton CommandName="Edition" CommandArgument='<%# Eval(StrBloc(x=> %>'
375.                                            OnClick="OnPaveSuiviCollecte1Click" ID="LinkButtonEdition" runat="server" Visible='<%# Eval(StrBloc(x=>x.peutModifierLeBlocVisa)) %>'>
376.                                            <asp:Image ID="ImageEdition" runat="server" ImageUrl="/Content/Template/16x16/blue_edit.png" /></asp:LinkButton>--%>
377.                                                                                <telerik:RadButton ID="RadButtonEdition" AutoPostBack="False" CssClass="classImageRadButtonVisualisationCollectes"
378.                                                                                        runat="server" Height="16px" Width="16px" Visible='<%# Eval(StrBloc(x=>x.peutModifierLeBlocVisa)) %>'>
379.                                                                                        <Image EnableImageButton="True"></Image>
380.                                                                                </telerik:RadButton>
381.                                                                        </td>
382.                                                                        <td class="boutonBlocVisa">
383.                                                                                <asp:Image ID="ImageVisaValidate" runat="server" ImageUrl="/Content/Template/16x16/blue_visavalidate.png"
384.                                                                                        Visible='<%# Eval(StrBloc(x=>x.estVisaPoseSurBloc)) %>' />
385.                                                                                <asp:LinkButton CommandName="PoserVisa" CommandArgument='<%# Eval(StrBloc(x=> %>'
386.                                                                                        OnClick="OnPaveSuiviCollecte1Click" ID="LinkButtonPoserVisa" runat="server"
387.                                                                                        Visible='<%# Eval(StrBloc(x=>x.peutPoserLeVisaSurLeBlocDepuisEcranVisualisation)) %>'>
388.                                                                                        <asp:Image ID="ImagePoserVisa" runat="server" ImageUrl="/Content/Template/16x16/blue_visaforvalidate.png" />
389.                                                                                </asp:LinkButton>
390.                                                                        </td>
391.                                                                        <td class="boutonBlocVisa">
392.                                                                                <asp:LinkButton CommandName="Rules" CommandArgument='<%# Eval(StrBloc(x=> %>'
393.                                                                                        OnClick="OnPaveSuiviCollecte1Click" ID="LinkButtonRules" runat="server">
394.                                                                                        <asp:Image ID="ImgRules" runat="server" ImageUrl="/Content/Template/16x16/blue_regles.png" />
395.                                                                                </asp:LinkButton>
396.                                                                        </td>
397.                                                                        <td class="boutonBlocVisa">
398.                                                                                <asp:LinkButton CommandName="Help" CommandArgument='<%# Eval(StrBloc(x=> %>'
399.                                                                                        OnClick="OnPaveSuiviCollecte1Click" ID="LinkButtonHelp" runat="server">
400.                                                                                        <asp:Image ID="ImageHelp" runat="server" ImageUrl="/Content/Template/16x16/blue_visalabel.png" />
401.                                                                                </asp:LinkButton>
402.                                                                        </td>
403.                                                                </tr>
404.                                                        </ItemTemplate>
405.                                                </asp:Repeater>
406.                                                <%--<asp:Repeater ID="paveSuiviCollecte2" runat="server" DataSource='<%# Eval(Str(x=>x.paveSuiviCollecte2)) %>' OnItemDataBound="paves_ItemDataBound">--%>
407.                                                <asp:Repeater ID="paveSuiviCollecte2" runat="server" OnItemDataBound="paves_ItemDataBound">                                                   
408.                                                        <HeaderTemplate>
409.                                                                <tr class="headerLine">
410.                                                                        <td colspan="5">
411.                                                                                <asp:Literal runat="server" Text="<%$ Resources: Traduction, paveSuiviCollecte2 %>" />
412.                                                                        </td>
413.                                                                </tr>
414.                                                                <tr class="headerLine2">
415.                                                                        <th>
416.                                                                                <asp:Literal runat="server" Text="<%$ Resources: Traduction, IDS_ColonneDescription %>" />
417.                                                                        </th>
418.                                                                        <th>
419.                                                                                <asp:Literal runat="server" Text="<%$ Resources: Traduction, IDS_ColonneNom %>" />
420.                                                                        </th>
421.                                                                        <th class="date">
422.                                                                                <asp:Literal runat="server" Text="<%$ Resources: Traduction, IDS_ColonneDateEcheance %>" />
423.                                                                        </th>
424.                                                                        <th class="date">
425.                                                                                <asp:Literal runat="server" Text="<%$ Resources: Traduction, IDS_ColonneDateVisa %>" />
426.                                                                        </th>
427.                                                                        <th>
428.                                                                                <asp:Literal runat="server" Text="<%$ Resources: Traduction, IDS_ColonneCommentaire%>" />
429.                                                                        </th>
430.                                                                </tr>
431.                                                        </HeaderTemplate>
432.                                                        <ItemTemplate>
433.                                                                <tr class="<%# (int)(Eval (StrBloc (x => % 2 != 0 ? "oddLine" : "evenLine" %>">
434.                                                                        <td>
435.                                                                                <span class="domaine_<%# Eval (StrBloc (x => x.domaine)) %>"><a href="<%# Eval (StrBloc (x => x.href))%>">
436.                                                                                        <%# Eval (StrBloc (x => x.bloc))%></a> </span>
437.                                                                        </td>
438.                                                                        <td>
439.                                                                                <table class="consultationName">
440.                                                                                        <tr>
441.                                                                                                <td class="fieldNameText">
442.                                                                                                        <%# Eval (StrBloc (x => x.nom))%>
443.                                                                                                </td>
444.                                                                                                <td class="fieldNameImg">
445.                                                                                                        <%--<asp:LinkButton CommandName="ChangeResp" CommandArgument='<%# Eval(StrBloc(x=> %>'
446.                                                        OnClick="OnPaveSuiviCollecte2Click" ID="LinkButton4" runat="server" Visible='<%# Eval(StrBloc(x=> x.peutModifierResponsableBloc)) %>'>
447.                                                        <asp:Image ID="Image5" runat="server" ImageUrl="/Content/Template/16x16/blue_user.png" /></asp:LinkButton>--%>
448.                                                                                                        <telerik:RadButton ID="RadButtonDelegationBloc" AutoPostBack="False" CssClass="classImageRadButtonDelegationBloc"
449.                                                                                                                runat="server" Height="16px" Width="16px" Visible='<%# Eval(StrBloc(x=>x.peutModifierResponsableBloc)) %>'>
450.                                                                                                                <Image EnableImageButton="True"></Image>
451.                                                                                                        </telerik:RadButton>
452.                                                                                                </td>
453.                                                                                        </tr>
454.                                                                                </table>
455.                                                                        </td>
456.                                                                        <td class="date">
457.                                                                                <%# Eval (StrBloc (x => x.dateEcheance))%>
458.                                                                        </td>
459.                                                                        <td class="date">
460.                                                                                <%# Eval (StrBloc (x => x.dateVisa))%>
461.                                                                        </td>
462.                                                                        <td>
463.                                                                                <span title="<%# Eval (StrBloc (x => x.commentaire)) %>">
464.                                                                                        <%# Eval (StrBloc (x => x.commentaire)).ConvertToType<string> ().TruncateNicely (30)%>
465.                                                                                </span>
466.                                                                        </td>
467.                                                                        <td class="boutonBlocVisa">
468.                                                                                <%--<asp:LinkButton CommandName="Edition" CommandArgument='<%# Eval(StrBloc(x=> %>'
469.                                            OnClick="OnPaveSuiviCollecte2Click" ID="LinkButtonEdition" runat="server" Visible='<%# Eval(StrBloc(x=>x.peutModifierLeBlocVisa)) %>'>
470.                                            <asp:Image ID="ImageEdition" runat="server" ImageUrl="/Content/Template/16x16/blue_edit.png" /></asp:LinkButton>--%>
471.                                                                                <telerik:RadButton ID="RadButtonEdition" AutoPostBack="False" CssClass="classImageRadButtonVisualisationCollectes"
472.                                                                                        runat="server" Height="16px" Width="16px" Visible='<%# Eval(StrBloc(x=>x.peutModifierLeBlocVisa)) %>'>
473.                                                                                        <Image EnableImageButton="True"></Image>
474.                                                                                </telerik:RadButton>
475.                                                                        </td>
476.                                                                        <td class="boutonBlocVisa">
477.                                                                                <asp:Image ID="ImageVisaValidate" runat="server" ImageUrl="/Content/Template/16x16/blue_visavalidate.png"
478.                                                                                        Visible='<%# Eval(StrBloc(x=>x.estVisaPoseSurBloc)) %>' />
479.                                                                                <asp:LinkButton CommandName="PoserVisa" CommandArgument='<%# Eval(StrBloc(x=> %>'
480.                                                                                        OnClick="OnPaveSuiviCollecte2Click" ID="LinkButtonPoserVisa" runat="server"
481.                                                                                        Visible='<%# Eval(StrBloc(x=>x.peutPoserLeVisaSurLeBlocDepuisEcranVisualisation)) %>'>
482.                                                                                        <asp:Image ID="ImagePoserVisa" runat="server" ImageUrl="/Content/Template/16x16/blue_visaforvalidate.png" />
483.                                                                                </asp:LinkButton>
484.                                                                        </td>
485.                                                                        <td class="boutonBlocVisa">
486.                                                                                <asp:LinkButton CommandName="Rules" CommandArgument='<%# Eval(StrBloc(x=> %>'
487.                                                                                        OnClick="OnPaveSuiviCollecte2Click" ID="LinkButtonRules" runat="server">
488.                                                                                        <asp:Image ID="ImgRules" runat="server" ImageUrl="/Content/Template/16x16/blue_regles.png" />
489.                                                                                </asp:LinkButton>
490.                                                                        </td>
491.                                                                        <td class="boutonBlocVisa">
492.                                                                                <asp:LinkButton CommandName="Help" CommandArgument='<%# Eval(StrBloc(x=> %>'
493.                                                                                        OnClick="OnPaveSuiviCollecte2Click" ID="LinkButtonHelp" runat="server">
494.                                                                                        <asp:Image ID="ImageHelp" runat="server" ImageUrl="/Content/Template/16x16/blue_visalabel.png" />
495.                                                                                </asp:LinkButton>
496.                                                                        </td>
497.                                                                </tr>
498.                                                        </ItemTemplate>
499.                                                </asp:Repeater>
500.                                                <%--<asp:Repeater ID="paveClos" runat="server" DataSource='<%# Eval(Str(x=>x.paveClos)) %>' OnItemDataBound="paves_ItemDataBound">--%>
501.                                                <asp:Repeater ID="paveClos" runat="server" OnItemDataBound="paves_ItemDataBound">                                                   
502.                                                        <HeaderTemplate>
503.                                                                <tr class="headerLine">
504.                                                                        <td colspan="5">
505.                                                                                <asp:Literal runat="server" Text="<%$ Resources: Traduction, paveClos %>" />
506.                                                                        </td>
507.                                                                </tr>
508.                                                                <tr class="headerLine2">
509.                                                                        <th>
510.                                                                                <asp:Literal runat="server" Text="<%$ Resources: Traduction, IDS_ColonneDescription %>" />
511.                                                                        </th>
512.                                                                        <th>
513.                                                                                <asp:Literal runat="server" Text="<%$ Resources: Traduction, IDS_ColonneNom %>" />
514.                                                                        </th>
515.                                                                        <th class="date">
516.                                                                                <asp:Literal runat="server" Text="<%$ Resources: Traduction, IDS_ColonneDateEcheance %>" />
517.                                                                        </th>
518.                                                                        <th class="date">
519.                                                                                <asp:Literal runat="server" Text="<%$ Resources: Traduction, IDS_ColonneDateVisa %>" />
520.                                                                        </th>
521.                                                                        <th>
522.                                                                                <asp:Literal runat="server" Text="<%$ Resources: Traduction, IDS_ColonneCommentaire%>" />
523.                                                                        </th>
524.                                                                </tr>
525.                                                        </HeaderTemplate>
526.                                                        <ItemTemplate>
527.                                                                <tr class="<%# (int)(Eval (StrBloc (x => % 2 != 0 ? "oddLine" : "evenLine" %>">
528.                                                                        <td>
529.                                                                                <span class="domaine_<%# Eval (StrBloc (x => x.domaine)) %>"><a href="<%# Eval (StrBloc (x => x.href))%>">
530.                                                                                        <%# Eval (StrBloc (x => x.bloc))%></a> </span>
531.                                                                        </td>
532.                                                                        <td>
533.                                                                                <table class="consultationName">
534.                                                                                        <tr>
535.                                                                                                <td class="fieldNameText">
536.                                                                                                        <%# Eval (StrBloc (x => x.nom))%>
537.                                                                                                </td>
538.                                                                                                <td class="fieldNameImg">
539.                                                                                                        <telerik:RadButton ID="RadButtonDelegationBloc" AutoPostBack="False" CssClass="classImageRadButtonDelegationBloc"
540.                                                                                                                runat="server" Height="16px" Width="16px" Visible='<%# Eval(StrBloc(x=>x.peutModifierResponsableBloc)) %>'>
541.                                                                                                                <Image EnableImageButton="True"></Image>
542.                                                                                                        </telerik:RadButton>
543.                                                                                                </td>
544.                                                                                        </tr>
545.                                                                                </table>
546.                                                                        </td>
547.                                                                        <td class="date">
548.                                                                                <%# Eval (StrBloc (x => x.dateEcheance))%>
549.                                                                        </td>
550.                                                                        <td class="date">
551.                                                                                <%# Eval (StrBloc (x => x.dateVisa))%>
552.                                                                        </td>
553.                                                                        <td>
554.                                                                                <span title="<%# Eval (StrBloc (x => x.commentaire)) %>">
555.                                                                                        <%# Eval (StrBloc (x => x.commentaire)).ConvertToType<string> ().TruncateNicely (30)%>
556.                                                                                </span>
557.                                                                        </td>
558.                                                                        <td class="boutonBlocVisa">
559.                                                                                <telerik:RadButton ID="RadButtonEdition" AutoPostBack="False" CssClass="classImageRadButtonVisualisationCollectes"
560.                                                                                        runat="server" Height="16px" Width="16px" Visible='<%# Eval(StrBloc(x=>x.peutModifierLeBlocVisa)) %>'>
561.                                                                                        <Image EnableImageButton="True"></Image>
562.                                                                                </telerik:RadButton>
563.                                                                        </td>
564.                                                                        <td class="boutonBlocVisa">
565.                                                                                <asp:Image ID="ImageVisaValidate" runat="server" ImageUrl="/Content/Template/16x16/blue_visavalidate.png"
566.                                                                                        Visible='<%# Eval(StrBloc(x=>x.estVisaPoseSurBloc)) %>' />
567.                                                                                <asp:LinkButton CommandName="PoserVisa" CommandArgument='<%# Eval(StrBloc(x=> %>'
568.                                                                                        OnClick="OnPaveSuiviCollecte2Click" ID="LinkButtonPoserVisa" runat="server"
569.                                                                                        Visible='<%# Eval(StrBloc(x=>x.peutPoserLeVisaSurLeBlocDepuisEcranVisualisation)) %>'>
570.                                                                                        <asp:Image ID="ImagePoserVisa" runat="server" ImageUrl="/Content/Template/16x16/blue_visaforvalidate.png" />
571.                                                                                </asp:LinkButton>
572.                                                                        </td>
573.                                                                        <td class="boutonBlocVisa">
574.                                                                                <asp:LinkButton CommandName="Rules" CommandArgument='<%# Eval(StrBloc(x=> %>'
575.                                                                                        OnClick="OnPaveSuiviCollecte2Click" ID="LinkButtonRules" runat="server">
576.                                                                                        <asp:Image ID="ImgRules" runat="server" ImageUrl="/Content/Template/16x16/blue_regles.png" />
577.                                                                                </asp:LinkButton>
578.                                                                        </td>
579.                                                                        <td class="boutonBlocVisa">
580.                                                                                <asp:LinkButton CommandName="Help" CommandArgument='<%# Eval(StrBloc(x=> %>'
581.                                                                                        OnClick="OnPaveSuiviCollecte2Click" ID="LinkButtonHelp" runat="server">
582.                                                                                        <asp:Image ID="ImageHelp" runat="server" ImageUrl="/Content/Template/16x16/blue_visalabel.png" />
583.                                                                                </asp:LinkButton>
584.                                                                        </td>
585.                                                                </tr>
586.                                                        </ItemTemplate>
587.                                                </asp:Repeater>
588.                                                <%--<asp:Repeater ID="PavePFLComplementaire" runat="server" DataSource='<%# Eval(Str(x=>x.pavePFLComplementaire)) %>' OnItemDataBound="paves_ItemDataBound">--%>
589.                                                <asp:Repeater ID="PavePFLComplementaire" runat="server" OnItemDataBound="paves_ItemDataBound">                                                   
590.                                                        <HeaderTemplate>
591.                                                                <tr class="headerLine">
592.                                                                        <td colspan="5">
593.                                                                                <asp:Literal runat="server" Text="<%$ Resources: Traduction, pavePFLComplementaire %>" />
594.                                                                        </td>
595.                                                                </tr>
596.                                                                <tr class="headerLine2">
597.                                                                        <th>
598.                                                                                <asp:Literal runat="server" Text="<%$ Resources: Traduction, IDS_ColonneDescription %>" />
599.                                                                        </th>
600.                                                                        <th>
601.                                                                                <asp:Literal runat="server" Text="<%$ Resources: Traduction, IDS_ColonneNom %>" />
602.                                                                        </th>
603.                                                                        <th class="date">
604.                                                                                <asp:Literal runat="server" Text="<%$ Resources: Traduction, IDS_ColonneDateEcheance %>" />
605.                                                                        </th>
606.                                                                        <th class="date">
607.                                                                                <asp:Literal runat="server" Text="<%$ Resources: Traduction, IDS_ColonneDateVisa %>" />
608.                                                                        </th>
609.                                                                        <th>
610.                                                                                <asp:Literal runat="server" Text="<%$ Resources: Traduction, IDS_ColonneCommentaire%>" />
611.                                                                        </th>
612.                                                                </tr>
613.                                                        </HeaderTemplate>
614.                                                        <ItemTemplate>
615.                                                                <tr class="<%# (int)(Eval (StrBloc (x => % 2 != 0 ? "oddLine" : "evenLine" %>">
616.                                                                        <td>
617.                                                                                <span class="domaine_<%# Eval (StrBloc (x => x.domaine)) %>"><a href="<%# Eval (StrBloc (x => x.href))%>">
618.                                                                                        <%# Eval (StrBloc (x => x.bloc))%></a> </span>
619.                                                                        </td>
620.                                                                        <td>
621.                                                                                <table class="consultationName">
622.                                                                                        <tr>
623.                                                                                                <td class="fieldNameText">
624.                                                                                                        <%# Eval (StrBloc (x => x.nom))%>
625.                                                                                                </td>
626.                                                                                                <td class="fieldNameImg">
627.                                                                                                        <%--<asp:LinkButton CommandName="ChangeResp" CommandArgument='<%# Eval(StrBloc(x=> %>'
628.                                                        OnClick="OnPavePFLComplementaireClick" ID="LinkButton5" runat="server" Visible='<%# Eval(StrBloc(x=> x.peutModifierResponsableBloc)) %>'>
629.                                                        <asp:Image ID="Image6" runat="server" ImageUrl="/Content/Template/16x16/blue_user.png" /></asp:LinkButton>--%>
630.                                                                                                        <telerik:RadButton ID="RadButtonDelegationBloc" AutoPostBack="False" CssClass="classImageRadButtonDelegationBloc"
631.                                                                                                                runat="server" Height="16px" Width="16px" Visible='<%# Eval(StrBloc(x=>x.peutModifierResponsableBloc)) %>'>
632.                                                                                                                <Image EnableImageButton="True"></Image>
633.                                                                                                        </telerik:RadButton>
634.                                                                                                </td>
635.                                                                                        </tr>
636.                                                                                </table>
637.                                                                        </td>
638.                                                                        <td class="date">
639.                                                                                <%# Eval (StrBloc (x => x.dateEcheance))%>
640.                                                                        </td>
641.                                                                        <td class="date">
642.                                                                                <%# Eval (StrBloc (x => x.dateVisa))%>
643.                                                                        </td>
644.                                                                        <td>
645.                                                                                <span title="<%# Eval (StrBloc (x => x.commentaire)) %>">
646.                                                                                        <%# Eval (StrBloc (x => x.commentaire)).ConvertToType<string> ().TruncateNicely (30)%>
647.                                                                                </span>
648.                                                                        </td>
649.                                                                        <td class="boutonBlocVisa">
650.                                                                                <%--<asp:LinkButton CommandName="Edition" CommandArgument='<%# Eval(StrBloc(x=> %>'
651.                                            OnClick="OnPavePFLComplementaireClick" ID="LinkButtonEdition" runat="server"
652.                                            Visible='<%# Eval(StrBloc(x=>x.peutModifierLeBlocVisa)) %>'>
653.                                            <asp:Image ID="ImageEdition" runat="server" ImageUrl="/Content/Template/16x16/blue_edit.png" /></asp:LinkButton>--%>
654.                                                                                <telerik:RadButton ID="RadButtonEdition" AutoPostBack="False" CssClass="classImageRadButtonVisualisationCollectes"
655.                                                                                        runat="server" Height="16px" Width="16px" Visible='<%# Eval(StrBloc(x=>x.peutModifierLeBlocVisa)) %>'>
656.                                                                                        <Image EnableImageButton="True"></Image>
657.                                                                                </telerik:RadButton>
658.                                                                        </td>
659.                                                                        <td class="boutonBlocVisa">
660.                                                                                <asp:Image ID="ImageVisaValidate" runat="server" ImageUrl="/Content/Template/16x16/blue_visavalidate.png"
661.                                                                                        Visible='<%# Eval(StrBloc(x=>x.estVisaPoseSurBloc)) %>' />
662.                                                                                <asp:LinkButton CommandName="PoserVisa" CommandArgument='<%# Eval(StrBloc(x=> %>'
663.                                                                                        OnClick="OnPavePFLComplementaireClick" ID="LinkButtonPoserVisa" runat="server"
664.                                                                                        Visible='<%# Eval(StrBloc(x=>x.peutPoserLeVisaSurLeBlocDepuisEcranVisualisation)) %>'>
665.                                                                                        <asp:Image ID="ImagePoserVisa" runat="server" ImageUrl="/Content/Template/16x16/blue_visaforvalidate.png" />
666.                                                                                </asp:LinkButton>
667.                                                                        </td>
668.                                                                        <td class="boutonBlocVisa">
669.                                                                                <asp:LinkButton CommandName="Rules" CommandArgument='<%# Eval(StrBloc(x=> %>'
670.                                                                                        OnClick="OnPavePFLComplementaireClick" ID="LinkButtonRules" runat="server">
671.                                                                                        <asp:Image ID="ImgRules" runat="server" ImageUrl="/Content/Template/16x16/blue_regles.png" />
672.                                                                                </asp:LinkButton>
673.                                                                        </td>
674.                                                                        <td class="boutonBlocVisa">
675.                                                                                <asp:LinkButton CommandName="Help" CommandArgument='<%# Eval(StrBloc(x=> %>'
676.                                                                                        OnClick="OnPavePFLComplementaireClick" ID="LinkButtonHelp" runat="server">
677.                                                                                        <asp:Image ID="ImageHelp" runat="server" ImageUrl="/Content/Template/16x16/blue_visalabel.png" />
678.                                                                                </asp:LinkButton>
679.                                                                        </td>
680.                                                                </tr>
681.                                                        </ItemTemplate>
682.                                                </asp:Repeater>
683.                                        </tbody>
684.                                </table>
685.                        <%--</ItemTemplate>--%>
686.               <%-- </asp:Repeater>--%>
687.        </telerik:RadAjaxPanel>

and the code behind :
001.using System;
002.using System.Collections.Generic;
003.using System.Globalization;
004.using System.Linq;
005.using System.Linq.Expressions;
006.using System.Web.UI;
007.using System.Web.UI.WebControls;
008.using Gfc.Librairie;
009.using Opera.BL.All.Factory;
010.using Opera.BL.All.IDTO;
011.using Opera.BL.IHabilitations;
012.using Opera.BL.InitWfl.InitialisationWfl;
013.using Opera.BL.IVisa;
014.using Opera.DTO.All;
015.using Opera.DTO.Factory;
016.using Opera.DTO.Modifications;
017.using Opera.DTO.Remus;
018.using Remus.IHM.Enums;
019.using Remus.IHM.PageControler;
020.using Remus.LibraryWeb;
021.using Resources;
022.using Telerik.Web.UI;
024.namespace Remus.Ajax.Web
026.    public partial class ConsulterProjetCollectes : PageControler, IHasGetAideContextuelle
027.    {
028.                private int _colCode;
030.                public System.Web.UI.HtmlControls.HtmlAnchor GetAideContextuelle()
031.                {
032.                        return AideEnLigne.GetAideContextuelle();
033.                }
035.                private MdlVisualisationFicheCollecte modele;
037.                public string Str<T>(Expression<Func<MdlVisualisationFicheCollecte, T>> expression)
038.                {
039.                        return ExpressionsEx.GetExpressionPathAsString<MdlVisualisationFicheCollecte, T>(expression);
040.                }
041.                public string StrBloc<T>(Expression<Func<MdlVisualisationFicheCollecte_Bloc, T>> expression)
042.                {
043.                        return ExpressionsEx.GetExpressionPathAsString<MdlVisualisationFicheCollecte_Bloc, T>(expression);
044.                }
046.                protected virtual void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
047.                {
048.                        var ancre = GetAideContextuelle();
049.                        if (ancre != null)
050.                        {
051.                                UpdateAideContextuelle(ancre);
052.                        }
053.                        AuditHelper.AuditHelper.SetContext("ConsulterProjetCollectes");
055.                        InitPage(IdMenu.Projet, Traduction.MenuProjet + " > " + Traduction.LibelleConsulterProjetCollectes, Traduction.LibelleConsulterProjetCollectes);
057.                        _colCode = ConverterEx.ConvertToType<int>(Page.Request["colCode"]);
058.                        ICurrentCollecte.CurrentCollecteFactory.Create().colCode = _colCode;
060.                        HiddenField_Culture.Value = CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.ToString();
062.                        modele = DtoAllBlFactory.CreateVisualisationFicheCollecte().Get(_colCode);
063.                       // entete.DataSource = DiversEx.ToList(modele);
064.                       // entete.DataBind();                       
065.                        Label_NomProjet.Text = modele.enteteProjet.nom;
066.                        Label_PrjCode.Text = modele.enteteProjet.prjCode.ToString();
067.                        Label_EtatAvancement.Text = modele.enteteProjet.etatAvancement;
068.                        Label_Description.Text = modele.enteteProjet.description;
069.                        Label_colDateComm.Text = string.Format("{0:d}", modele.enteteCollecte.colDatecom);
070.                        RadDatePicker_DateCommercialisationReportee.DbSelectedDate = modele.enteteCollecte.colDatecomReport;
071.                        Label_CPM.Text = modele.enteteProjet.cpm;
072.                        Label_CPI.Text = modele.enteteProjet.cpi;
073.                        Label_DBA.Text = modele.enteteProjet.dba;
074.                        Label_CDG.Text = modele.enteteProjet.cdg;
075.                        Label_Chemin.Text = modele.enteteProjet.chemin;
076.                        Label_codeArticle.Text = modele.enteteCollecte.codeArticle;
077.                        Label_colLib.Text = modele.enteteCollecte.lib;
078.                        Label_colLibc.Text = modele.enteteCollecte.libc;
079.                        Label_Marque.Text = modele.enteteCollecte.marque;
080.                        Label_colEtatAvancement.Text = modele.enteteCollecte.etatAvancement;
081.                        Label_codeLog.Text = Gfc.StdList.BL.Preferences.Formatage.FormatCodeLibelle(modele.enteteCollecte.codeLogistique,modele.enteteCollecte.indiceLogistique);
082.                        paveOuverture.DataSource = modele.paveOuverture; paveOuverture.DataBind();
083.                        paveSuiviCollecte1.DataSource = modele.paveSuiviCollecte1; paveSuiviCollecte1.DataBind();
084.                        paveSuiviCollecte2.DataSource = modele.paveSuiviCollecte2; paveSuiviCollecte2.DataBind();
085.                        paveClos.DataSource = modele.paveClos; paveClos.DataBind();
086.                        PavePFLComplementaire.DataSource = modele.pavePFLComplementaire; PavePFLComplementaire.DataBind();
087.                        RadButtonSuppression.Visible = modele.enteteCollecte.peutSupprimerLaCollecte;
089.                        Label_currentCollecte.Text = string.Format("{0} / {1}", modele.enteteCollecte.numero,modele.enteteCollecte.nombreCollectes);
090.                        lienPrecedent.NavigateUrl = string.Format("ConsulterProjetCollectes.aspx?colCode={0}",modele.prevColCode);
091.                        lienSuivant.NavigateUrl = string.Format("ConsulterProjetCollectes.aspx?colCode={0}", modele.nextColCode);
092.                        lienPrecedent.Visible = (modele.enteteCollecte.numero > 1);
093.                        lienSuivant.Visible = (modele.enteteCollecte.numero < modele.enteteCollecte.nombreCollectes);
095.                        // Je délocalise dans le databound
096.                        //bool peutModifierLeProjet = HabilitationsFactory.PeutModifierLeProjet((int)mdlVisualisationFicheCollecte.enteteProjet.prjCode);
097.                        //entete.Items[0].FindControl("RadDatePicker_DateCommercialisationReportee").Visible = peutModifierLeProjet; // ici à faire : nouveau booléen : peut modifier la date de report, ok jusqu'à bascule ACTIF.                   
098.                }
101.                protected void entete_ItemDataBound(Object Sender, RepeaterItemEventArgs e)
102.                {
103.                    if (e.Item.ItemType == ListItemType.Item || e.Item.ItemType == ListItemType.AlternatingItem)
104.                    {
105.                        bool peuModifierLaCollecte = HabilitationsFactory.PeutModifierLeProjet((int)modele.enteteProjet.prjCode); // ici à faire : nouveau booléen : peut modifier la date de report, ok jusqu'à bascule ACTIF.
106.                        ((RadDatePicker)e.Item.FindControl("RadDatePicker_DateCommercialisationReportee")).Visible = peuModifierLaCollecte;
107.                        ((RadButton)e.Item.FindControl("RadButton_SaveCollecte")).Visible = peuModifierLaCollecte;
108.                        Label label = (Label)e.Item.FindControl("Label_DateComReport");
109.                        label.Visible = !peuModifierLaCollecte;
110.                        label.Text = string.Format("{0:d}", modele.enteteCollecte.colDatecomReport);
111.                    }
112.                }
113.                protected void paves_ItemDataBound(Object Sender, RepeaterItemEventArgs e)
114.                {
115.                    if (e.Item.ItemType == ListItemType.Item || e.Item.ItemType == ListItemType.AlternatingItem)
116.                    {
117.                        InitButtonEdit(Sender, e);
118.                        InitButtonDelegation(Sender, e);
119.                        InitButtonVisa(Sender, e);
120.                    }
121.                }
124.                #region Traitement du click sur les boutons
125.                protected void OnPaveOuvertureClick             /**/ (object sender, EventArgs e) { OnPaveClick(sender, e, modele.paveOuverture         /**/); }
126.                protected void OnPaveSuiviCollecte1Click        /**/ (object sender, EventArgs e) { OnPaveClick(sender, e, modele.paveSuiviCollecte1    /**/); }
127.                protected void OnPaveSuiviCollecte2Click        /**/ (object sender, EventArgs e) { OnPaveClick(sender, e, modele.paveSuiviCollecte2    /**/); }
128.                protected void OnPaveClosClick                  /**/ (object sender, EventArgs e) { OnPaveClick(sender, e, modele.paveClos              /**/); }
129.                protected void OnPavePFLComplementaireClick     /**/ (object sender, EventArgs e) { OnPaveClick(sender, e, modele.pavePFLComplementaire /**/); }
131.                private void OnPaveClick(object sender, EventArgs e, IList<MdlVisualisationFicheCollecte_Bloc> blocs)
132.                {
133.                        try
134.                        {
135.                                var throwException = UserExceptionThrowerFactory.Create();
137.                                throwException.IfNull(sender);
138.                                throwException.IfFalse(sender is LinkButton);
140.                                var btn = (LinkButton)sender;
142.                                // On recupere le bloc en cours via le CommandArgument qui contient l'id du bloc
143.                                throwException.IfNullOrEmpty(btn.CommandArgument);
144.                                var id = ConverterEx.ConvertToType<int>(btn.CommandArgument);
145.                                var bloc = blocs.Where(x => == id).Single();
147.                                switch (btn.CommandName)
148.                                {
149.                                        case "Edition"          /**/: EditerBlocVisa            /**/ (bloc); break;
150.                                        case "PoserVisa"        /**/: PoserVisa                 /**/ (bloc); break;
151.                                        case "Rules"            /**/: AfficherRegles            /**/ (bloc); break;
152.                                        case "Help"             /**/: AfficherAide              /**/ (bloc); break;
153.                                        case "ChangeResp"       /**/: ModifierResponsableBloc   /**/ (bloc); break;
154.                                }
155.                        }
156.                        catch (Exception ex)
157.                        {
158.                                CatchMe(ex);
159.                        }
160.                }
162.                private void EditerBlocVisa(MdlVisualisationFicheCollecte_Bloc bloc)
163.                {
164.                        var popupEdition = Remus.WebServer.URLBuilder.BlocVisa.GetPopupEditionInfos(bloc.codeBlocVisa);
165.                        var boutons = (int)(BoutonsDuFormulaire.ok | BoutonsDuFormulaire.cancel);
166.                        if (bloc.peutPoserLeVisaSurLeBlocDepuisPopup)
167.                        {
168.                                boutons = (int)(boutons | (int)BoutonsDuFormulaire.okVisa);
169.                        }
170.                        var url = String.Format("{0}?colCode={1}&Boutons={2}"
171.                                ,
172.                                , bloc.colCode
173.                                , boutons
174.                                );
175.                        if (bloc.pfeCode != null)
176.                        {
177.                                url += string.Format("&pfeCode={0}", bloc.pfeCode);
178.                        }
180.                        // TLB : ca devrait passer, mais dans les faits, il ne se passe rien...
181.                        //var script = String.Format("<script language='javascript'>openWinBase(\"{0}\",{1},{2});</script>"
182.                        //       , url
183.                        //       , popupEdition.width
184.                        //       , popupEdition.height
185.                        //       );
187.                        var script = String.Format("openWinBase(\"{0}\",{1},{2});"
188.                               , url
189.                               , popupEdition.width
190.                               , popupEdition.height
191.                               );
193.                        //var script = String.Format("<script language='javascript'>openRechercheArticle(\"HiddenField_ArticleRemplacementEvolutionGamme_ReturnValue\");</script>"
194.                        //       );
196.                        // Solution TEMPORAIRE
197.                        //var script = String.Format ("<script language='javascript'>\"{0}\", \"_blank\", \"width={1},height={2}\");</script>"
198.                        //       , url
199.                        //       , popupEdition.width
200.                        //       , popupEdition.height
201.                        //       );
202.                        // BLT
203.                        //Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript (this.GetType (), bloc.codeBlocVisa.ToString (), script);
205.                        panneau.ResponseScripts.Add(script);
207.                }
208.                private void PoserVisa(MdlVisualisationFicheCollecte_Bloc bloc)
209.                {
210.                        System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(bloc.peutPoserLeVisaSurLeBlocDepuisEcranVisualisation);
211.                        ResetInformationMessages();
212.                        try
213.                        {
214.                                int nbMails;
215.                                switch (bloc.codeBlocVisa)
216.                                {
217.                                        case Opera.Dal.Remus.Enums.CodeBlocVisa.initWorkflow:
218.                                                AllBlFactory.CreateInitWF ().CalculEAN13 (bloc.colCode, (int)bloc.codeBlocVisa);
219.                                                InitWflFactory.CreateInitWfl().InitialisationWF(bloc.colCode, out nbMails);
220.                                                break;
222.                                        case Opera.Dal.Remus.Enums.CodeBlocVisa.gestation:
223.                                                Opera.BL.IBasculeGestation.BasculeGestationFactory.Create().Basculer(bloc.colCode);
224.                                                break;
226.                                        case Opera.Dal.Remus.Enums.CodeBlocVisa.actif:
227.                                                Opera.BL.IBasculeActif.BasculeActifFactory.Create().Basculer(bloc.colCode);
228.                                                break;
230.                                        default:
231.                                                VisaFactory.Create().PoserVisaSurLeBloc(bloc.colCode, bloc.codeBlocVisa, bloc.pfeCode);
232.                                                break;
233.                                }
234.                                ShowMessageAfterWorksAndReloadPage(panneau, "/Pages/Projet/ConsulterProjetCollectes.aspx?colCode=" + bloc.colCode);
235.                                //Response.Redirect ("/Pages/Projet/ConsulterProjetCollectes.aspx?colCode=" + bloc.colCode, false);
236.                        }
237.                        catch (Exception ex)
238.                        {
239.                                CatchMe(ex);
240.                        }
241.                }
242.                private void AfficherRegles(MdlVisualisationFicheCollecte_Bloc bloc)
243.                {
244.                        this.Alert(HabilitationsFactory.ObtenirReglesApplicables(bloc.colCode, bloc.codeBlocVisa));
245.                }
246.                private void AfficherAide(MdlVisualisationFicheCollecte_Bloc bloc)
247.                {
248.                        var radManager = radWindowManager;
249.                        if (radManager != null)
250.                        {
251.                                var message = bloc.infos.Aggregate("<ul>", (resultat, str) => { resultat += "<li>" + str + "</li>"; return resultat; }, (resultat) => { return resultat + "</ul>"; });
252.                                var width = 640;
253.                                var height = ((width * 10) / 16);
254.                                radWindowManager.RadAlert(message, width, height, "Help", null);
255.                        }
256.                        else
257.                        {
258.                                var message = bloc.infos.Aggregate((resultat, str) => { resultat += str + System.Environment.NewLine; return resultat; });
259.                                this.Alert(message);
260.                        }
261.                }
263.                private void ModifierResponsableBloc(MdlVisualisationFicheCollecte_Bloc bloc)
264.                {
265.                        var boutons = (int)(BoutonsDuFormulaire.ok | BoutonsDuFormulaire.cancel);
266.                        var url = String.Format("/Pages/Projet/ChangeRespBloc.aspx?colCode={0}&Boutons={1}"
267.                                , bloc.colCode
268.                                , boutons
269.                                );
270.                        url += string.Format("&codeBlocVisa={0}", (int)bloc.codeBlocVisa);
271.                        if (bloc.pfeCode != null)
272.                                url += string.Format("&pfeCode={0}", bloc.pfeCode);
273.                        // TLB : ca devrait passer, mais dans les faits, il ne se passe rien...
274.                        var script = String.Format("<script language='javascript'>openWinBase(\"{0}\",1000,410\");</script>"
275.                               , url
276.                               );
277.                        // Solution TEMPORAIRE
278.                        //var script = String.Format ("<script language='javascript'>\"{0}\", \"_blank\", \"width=1000,height=250\");</script>"
279.                        //       , url
280.                        //       );
281.                        // BLT
282.                        Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), bloc.codeBlocVisa.ToString(), script);
283.                }
285.                private void InitButtonEdit(Object Sender, RepeaterItemEventArgs e)
286.                {
287.                        var bloc = (MdlVisualisationFicheCollecte_Bloc)e.Item.DataItem;
289.                        var popupEdition = Remus.WebServer.URLBuilder.BlocVisa.GetPopupEditionInfos(bloc.codeBlocVisa);
290.                        var boutons = (int)(BoutonsDuFormulaire.ok | BoutonsDuFormulaire.cancel);
292.                        if (bloc.peutPoserLeVisaSurLeBlocDepuisPopup)
293.                        {
294.                                boutons = (int)(boutons | (int)BoutonsDuFormulaire.okVisa);
295.                        }
296.                        var url = String.Format("{0}?colCode={1}&Boutons={2}"
297.                                ,
298.                                , bloc.colCode
299.                                , boutons
300.                                );
301.                        if (bloc.pfeCode != null)
302.                        {
303.                                url += string.Format("&pfeCode={0}", bloc.pfeCode);
304.                        }
306.                        var RadButtonEdition = (RadButton)e.Item.FindControl("RadButtonEdition");
307.                        if (RadButtonEdition != null)
308.                        {
309.                                RadButtonEdition.OnClientClicking = "function (button,args){openWinDelegation ('" + url + "'," + popupEdition.width + "," + popupEdition.height + ");}";
310.                        }
311.                }
313.                private void InitButtonDelegation(Object Sender, RepeaterItemEventArgs e)
314.                {
315.                        var bloc = (MdlVisualisationFicheCollecte_Bloc)e.Item.DataItem;
316.                        var boutons = (int)(BoutonsDuFormulaire.ok | BoutonsDuFormulaire.cancel);
318.                        var urlDelegation = String.Format("/Pages/Projet/ChangeRespBloc.aspx?colCode={0}&Boutons={1}"
319.                                        , bloc.colCode
320.                                        , boutons
321.                                        );
323.                        urlDelegation += string.Format("&codeBlocVisa={0}", (int)bloc.codeBlocVisa);
325.                        if (bloc.pfeCode != null)
326.                                urlDelegation += string.Format("&pfeCode={0}", bloc.pfeCode);
328.                        var RadButtonDelegationBloc = (RadButton)e.Item.FindControl("RadButtonDelegationBloc");
329.                        if (RadButtonDelegationBloc != null)
330.                        {
331.                                RadButtonDelegationBloc.OnClientClicking = "function (button,args){openWinDelegation ('" + urlDelegation + "',1000,410);}";
332.                        }
333.                }
335.                private void InitButtonVisa(Object Sender, RepeaterItemEventArgs e)
336.                {
337.                        var bloc = (MdlVisualisationFicheCollecte_Bloc)e.Item.DataItem;
338.                        if (bloc.peutPoserLeVisaSurLeBlocDepuisEcranVisualisation)
339.                        {
340.                                var LinkButtonVisa = (LinkButton)e.Item.FindControl("LinkButtonPoserVisa");
341.                                if (LinkButtonVisa != null)
342.                                        LinkButtonVisa.OnClientClick = "ConfirmAndBlockForWait();";
343.                        }
344.                }               
346.                protected void RadButtonSuppression_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
347.                {
348.                        try
349.                        {
350.                                var colCode = ConverterEx.ConvertToType<int>(Page.Request["colCode"]);
351.                                var allCollectionsAreInactif = DtoAllBlFactory.CreateVisualisationFicheCollecte().SupprimerCollecte(colCode);
352.                                if (allCollectionsAreInactif)
353.                                        Response.Redirect("/Pages/Accueil/Default.aspx", false);
354.                                else
355.                                {
356.                                        int nextColCode = 0;
358.                                        if (modele.nextColCode != colCode)
359.                                                nextColCode = modele.nextColCode;
360.                                        else if (modele.nextColCode == colCode && modele.prevColCode != colCode)
361.                                                nextColCode = modele.prevColCode;
363.                                        if (nextColCode == 0)
364.                                                Response.Redirect("/Pages/Accueil/Default.aspx", false);
365.                                        else
366.                                                Response.Redirect("ConsulterProjetCollectes.aspx?colCode=" + nextColCode, false);
367.                                }
368.                        }
369.                        catch (Exception ex)
370.                        {
371.                                CatchMe(ex);
372.                        }
374.                }
377.                protected void RadButton_SaveCollecte_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
378.                {
379.                    try
380.                    {
382.                        MdlVisualisationFicheCollecte mdl =  DtoFactory.Create<MdlVisualisationFicheCollecte>();
383.                       // RadDatePicker rad = (RadDatePicker) (entete.Items[0].FindControl("RadDatePicker_DateCommercialisationReportee"));
384.                       // var d = rad.SelectedDate.Value;
385.                       // var d2 = rad.SelectedDate.ToString();
386.                       // mdl.enteteCollecte.colDatecomReport = ((RadDatePicker)(entete.Items[0].FindControl("RadDatePicker_DateCommercialisationReportee"))).SelectedDate.Value;
387.                        mdl.enteteCollecte = new MdlVisualisationFicheCollecte_EnteteCollecte();
388.                        mdl.enteteCollecte.colCode = _colCode;
389.                        mdl.enteteCollecte.colDatecomReport = RadDatePicker_DateCommercialisationReportee.SelectedDate.Value;
390.                        DtoAllBlFactory.CreateVisualisationFicheCollecte().UpdateCollecte(mdl);
392.                        //on recharge la page
393.                        Response.Redirect("ConsulterProjetCollectes.aspx?colCode=" + _colCode, false);
395.                    }
396.                    catch (Exception ex)
397.                    {
398.                        CatchMe(ex);
399.                    }
400.                }
403.                #endregion
404.        }


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Konstantin Dikov
Telerik team
answered on 12 Dec 2014, 07:40 AM
Hi Arnaud,

From I am able to see in the provided code, you are setting the DbSelectedValue within the Page's Load event handler on every page load, which will reset the selected date by the user. In order to avoid this you should use the following condition for setting the DbSelectedValue property:
if (!IsPostBack)
    Picker1.DbSelectedDate = DateTime.Now;     

And here is a simple example demonstrating that the above works correctly:
<telerik:RadDatePicker runat="server" ID="Picker1"></telerik:RadDatePicker>
<telerik:RadButton runat="server" Text="Test" ID="RadButton1" OnClick="RadButton1_Click"></telerik:RadButton>

And the code-behind:
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
    if (!IsPostBack)
        Picker1.DbSelectedDate = DateTime.Now;         
protected void RadButton1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
    DateTime? newDate = Picker1.SelectedDate;

Hope this helps.

Konstantin Dikov

Check out the Telerik Platform - the only platform that combines a rich set of UI tools with powerful cloud services to develop web, hybrid and native mobile apps.

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answered on 12 Dec 2014, 08:28 AM
This issue does not deal with Postback as I don't use any in that page (autopostback is set to false for the calendar)
Konstantin Dikov
Telerik team
answered on 12 Dec 2014, 03:49 PM
Hello Arnaud,

I am not sure that I understand what you mean with your last post. Although that your RadDatePicker does not initiates a postback, when you need to retrieve the value on some event (like a button's OnClick event), that event will fire on postback and the Page's Load event will also be fired. Since you are setting a value on each postback, you are actually clearing the value selected from the client.

I hope this clears things up.

Konstantin Dikov

Check out the Telerik Platform - the only platform that combines a rich set of UI tools with powerful cloud services to develop web, hybrid and native mobile apps.

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answered on 12 Dec 2014, 04:06 PM
Hello Konstantin

You're right, I didn't notice that a simple button was firing postback before running its onClick method.

Thank you for your help.
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Konstantin Dikov
Telerik team
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