I have the format set to be M/d/yyyy, and it works when selecting a date but if there is any postback on the page it changes for format to use the dashes like M-dd-yyyy. Any ideas how to fix this?
<telerik:RadDatePicker ID="radGridDate1" Runat="server" SelectedDate='<%# DateTime.Parse( Eval("Date", "{0:M/dd/yyyy}")) %>' Width="100px" Skin="Bootstrap" >
<Calendar EnableWeekends="True" ShowRowHeaders="false" Skin="Bootstrap" > </Calendar>
<DateInput DateFormat="M/d/yyyy" DisplayDateFormat="M/d/yyyy" LabelWidth="40%">
<EmptyMessageStyle Resize="None" />
<ReadOnlyStyle Resize="None" />
<FocusedStyle Resize="None" />
<DisabledStyle Resize="None" />
<InvalidStyle Resize="None" />
<HoveredStyle Resize="None" />
<EnabledStyle Resize="None" />
<DatePopupButton HoverImageUrl="" ImageUrl="" />