Can anybody help me to solve this issue?
I am using RadComboBox and have an issue about this control. I am creating RadComboBox on server side and keep this control as Html like in .png. Everthing works fine on this situation. But when I try to update items for adding or removing any item, rcbSlide in body not updated, thats why combox does not display updated items. How can sync both rcbSlide in body and radcombox div? I tried copy html from div to body but, it does not work. Also when I close and reopen project new items displayed in combo. It seems body cache the items but I can not find have can I refresh items?
Please look at attached screenshots,
CreateRadComboBox.PNG for creating html for RadComboBox
rcbSlide_InDIV.PNG for displayed updated combo in UI
rcbSlide_InBody.PNG for html that stored in body.