I have a textbox with an event handler for TextBox_OnTextChanged. I also have a RadComboBox.
When a value in TextBox changes, it does fire the TextBox_OnTextChanged event. In this handler the RadComboBox.SelectedValue is set to either '0' or a non-zero value - which looks to be correct under the debugger. I have ajaxified it. However, the RadComboBox selected value does not seem to be changing. How do I get the RadComboBox to reflect the changed value?
Thanks, Raka.
protected void txtName_TextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtName.Text))
rcbProgram.Enabled = true;
rcbProgram.SelectedValue = "0";
rcbProgram.SelectedValue = subProgram == null ? "0" : subProgram.ProgramId.ToString();
rcbProgram.Enabled = false;