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RadComboBox and Screen Readers

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John asked on 22 May 2014, 08:20 PM
I am trying to get a site to work with a free screen reader (NVDA). I am making the fields more accessable by setting the AssociatedControlID of the asp:Labels to the associated fields. This technique works well for RadTextBoxes, but so far, it has not worked (NVDA will not read the label when the focus is on field) for any RadComboBoxes. Here is what the label / RadComboBox combo looks like:

<asp:Label ID="lblPAddrPreStreetDir" runat="server" EnableViewState="False" meta:resourcekey="lblPAddrPreStreetDirResource1" Text="Pre-Street <br>Direction:" AssociatedControlID="ddlPPreStDir"></asp:Label>

<telerik:RadComboBox ID="ddlPPreStDir" runat="server" AutoCompleteMode="SuggestAppend" DropDownStyle="DropDownList" meta:resourcekey="ddlPPreStDirResource1" TabIndex="2" Width="100px" CausesValidation="False" MarkFirstMatch="True">
                                                    <telerik:RadComboBoxItem meta:resourcekey="ListItemResource1" Text="None" runat="server"></telerik:RadComboBoxItem>
                                                    <telerik:RadComboBoxItem meta:resourcekey="ListItemResource2" Text="EAST" Value="E" runat="server"></telerik:RadComboBoxItem>
                                                    <telerik:RadComboBoxItem meta:resourcekey="ListItemResource3" Text="NORTH" Value="N" runat="server"></telerik:RadComboBoxItem>
                                                    <telerik:RadComboBoxItem meta:resourcekey="ListItemResource4" Text="NORTH EAST" Value="NE" runat="server"></telerik:RadComboBoxItem>
                                                    <telerik:RadComboBoxItem meta:resourcekey="ListItemResource5" Text="NORTH WEST" Value="NW" runat="server"></telerik:RadComboBoxItem>
                                                    <telerik:RadComboBoxItem meta:resourcekey="ListItemResource6" Text="SOUTH" Value="S" runat="server"></telerik:RadComboBoxItem>
                                                    <telerik:RadComboBoxItem meta:resourcekey="ListItemResource7" Text="SOUTH EAST" Value="SE" runat="server"></telerik:RadComboBoxItem>
                                                    <telerik:RadComboBoxItem meta:resourcekey="ListItemResource8" Text="SOUTH WEST" Value="SW" runat="server"></telerik:RadComboBoxItem>
                                                    <telerik:RadComboBoxItem meta:resourcekey="ListItemResource9" Text="WEST" Value="W" runat="server"></telerik:RadComboBoxItem>

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Dimitar Terziev
Telerik team
answered on 27 May 2014, 07:17 AM
Hello John,

Please use the Label property of the RadComboBox to associate a label with the control's input:
<telerik:RadComboBox Label="This is label" runat="server"></telerik:RadComboBox>

Dimitar Terziev

Check out the Telerik Platform - the only platform that combines a rich set of UI tools with powerful cloud services to develop web, hybrid and native mobile apps.

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answered on 28 May 2014, 12:41 PM

I verified that your technique works with NVDA. However, I wanted to note that JAWS Screen Reader does not have an issue with the asp:Label telerik:RadComboBox orginally described.
Dimitar Terziev
Telerik team
answered on 02 Jun 2014, 02:42 PM

Thank you for your feedback. In general we recommend the usage of the build-in label of the RadComboBox in order to omit suck issues.

Dimitar Terziev

Check out the Telerik Platform - the only platform that combines a rich set of UI tools with powerful cloud services to develop web, hybrid and native mobile apps.

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Dimitar Terziev
Telerik team
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