RadAutoCompleteBox comes back with the wrong filtered result set when typing into the textbox. It seems to be doing the filtering on the first letter I'm typing, but then ignoring the second letter I've typed. For example, if I start to type the word "test" it will start filtering the auto complete box for "t" or "te", but ignore the rest of the word. It seems to be doing the filtering if i very briefly pause (split second) and that's why it's not picking up the whole word. If I hit backspace, then it does a callback and the filtered result set is accurate. Is there a built in way to delay the filtering so it only does the callback after I've stopped typing for one second? Thanks in advance for the help.
Here's the code:
<telerik:radautocompletebox id="txtSearch" runat="server" oncliententryadding="OnClientEntryAddingHandler" emptymessage="FIND AN ACCOUNT or TPID"
autopostback="true" onentryadded="autocomplete_EntryAdded" filter="Contains" datavaluefield="TPID" datatextfield="AccountName"
cssclass="searchtext" width="275px" DropDownAutoWidth="Enabled" maxresultcount="10">