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Rad Linear Gauge width changing with labels

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ADT asked on 03 Oct 2014, 05:10 PM
I'm trying to put two rad gauges on top of each other. If I set the labels visible = false for the top gauge, it has a completely different size than the bottom. Why does this happen?
aspx code:
<telerik:RadLinearGauge runat="server" ID="rlgOverHeadActual" Width="590px" Height="70px"
               Style="float: left; " ResolvedRenderMode="Classic" >
               <Pointer Shape="BarIndicator" Size="15"  Color="#D8B179"   >
                   <Track Color="#646262" Visible="true" Opacity="0.4" />
               <Scale Vertical="false"    >
                    <MajorTicks Visible="false" Size="20" Color="Black"/>
                    <MinorTicks Visible="false" Size="10" Color="Black" />
                    <Labels Visible="false"  />
                    <Ranges   >
          </telerik:RadLinearGauge><telerik:RadLinearGauge runat="server" ID="rlgOverhead" Width="590px" Height="70px"
               Style="float: left;" ResolvedRenderMode="Classic" >
               <Pointer Shape="BarIndicator" Size="15"  Color="#566D8F"   >
                   <Track Color="#646262" Visible="true" Opacity="0.4" />
               <Scale Vertical="false"    >
                    <MajorTicks Visible="true" Size="20" Color="Black"/>
                    <MinorTicks Visible="true" Size="10" Color="Black" />
                    <Labels  />
                    <Ranges   >
          <asp:Label ID="lbltest" runat="server"></asp:Label>
         <asp:SqlDataSource ID="sqlOverHead" runat="server"
            ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:IntranetConnectionString %>"
            SelectCommand="USP_Intranet_Select_Overhead" SelectCommandType="StoredProcedure"></asp:SqlDataSource>

VB Code with some formatting options that I'm doing:
Private Sub OverHeadGauge()
       Dim dvOverHeadGauge As DataView
       Dim decOHBudgetAmount As Decimal = 0
       Dim decOHExpenseAmount As Decimal = 0
       Dim dtOverHeadGoodThrough As DateTime = "8/1/2014"
       dvOverHeadGauge = CType(sqlOverHead.Select(DataSourceSelectArguments.Empty), DataView)
       '        intFiscalYear = CType(dv.Table.Rows(0)(0), Integer)
       decOHBudgetAmount = CType(dvOverHeadGauge.Table.Rows(0)(0), Decimal)
       decOHBudgetAmount = Math.Round(decOHBudgetAmount / 1000000, 2)
       decOHExpenseAmount = CType(dvOverHeadGauge.Table.Rows(0)(1), Decimal)
       decOHExpenseAmount = Math.Round(decOHExpenseAmount / 1000000, 2)
       dtOverHeadGoodThrough = CType(dvOverHeadGauge.Table.Rows(0)(2), DateTime)
       Dim decMonthscale As Decimal = decOHBudgetAmount / 12
       Dim mthFY As Integer = 0
       Select Case Month(dtOverHeadGoodThrough)
           Case 1
               mthFY = 7
           Case 2
               mthFY = 8
           Case 3
               mthFY = 9
           Case 4
               mthFY = 10
           Case 5
               mthFY = 11
           Case 6
               mthFY = 12
           Case 7
               mthFY = 1
           Case 8
               mthFY = 2
           Case 9
               mthFY = 3
           Case 10
               mthFY = 4
           Case 11
               mthFY = 5
           Case 12
               mthFY = 6
       End Select
       decMonthscale = decMonthscale * mthFY
       'Set the top grid
       rlgOverHeadActual.Scale.Min = 0
       rlgOverHeadActual.Scale.Max = Math.Round(decOHBudgetAmount + 0.5, 0)
       rlgOverHeadActual.Pointer.Value = decOHExpenseAmount
       'rlgOverHeadActual.Scale.Labels.Visible = False
       rlgOverHeadActual.Scale.MinorTicks.Visible = False
       rlgOverHeadActual.Scale.MajorTicks.Visible = False
       rlgOverHeadActual.Scale.Labels.Format = "${0}m"
       'rlgOverHeadActual.Scale.Labels.Font = "15px 'PT Sans', sans-serif"
       If decOHExpenseAmount > decOHBudgetAmount Then
           rlgOverHeadActual.Pointer.Color = Drawing.Color.Red
       End If
       'decOHExpenseAmount = decOHBudgetAmount * 9
       rlgOverhead.Scale.Min = 0
       rlgOverhead.Scale.Max = Math.Round(decOHBudgetAmount + 0.5, 0)
       rlgOverhead.Scale.MajorUnit = 1
       rlgOverhead.Scale.MinorUnit = 0.1
       rlgOverhead.Pointer.Value = decMonthscale
       rlgOverhead.Scale.Labels.Format = "${0}m"
       'rlgOverhead.Scale.Labels.Font = "15px 'PT Sans', sans-serif"
       Dim gr1 As New GaugeRange()
       Dim gr2 As New GaugeRange()
       gr1.From = decOHBudgetAmount
       gr1.To = rlgOverhead.Scale.Max
       gr1.Color = Drawing.ColorTranslator.FromHtml("#B14747") 'Drawing.Color.Red
   End Sub

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Danail Vasilev
Telerik team
answered on 06 Oct 2014, 12:41 PM

Generally the calculation of the gauge's dimensions also includes the controls elements. What I can suggest is that instead of hiding the labels to set a "transparent" color. For example:
<telerik:RadLinearGauge runat="server" ID="rlgOverHeadActual" Width="590px" Height="70px"
    Style="float: left;position:absolute;top:-2px;left:8px;">
    <Pointer Shape="BarIndicator" Size="15" Color="#D8B179">
        <Track Color="#646262" Visible="true" Opacity="0.4" />
    <Scale Vertical="false">
        <MajorTicks Visible="false" Size="20" Color="Black" />
        <MinorTicks Visible="false" Size="10" Color="Black" />
        <Labels Visible="true" Color="Transparent" />
<telerik:RadLinearGauge runat="server" ID="rlgOverhead" Width="590px" Height="70px"
    Style="float: left;">
    <Pointer Shape="BarIndicator" Size="15" Color="#566D8F">
        <Track Color="#646262" Visible="true" Opacity="0.4" />
    <Scale Vertical="false">
        <MajorTicks Visible="true" Size="20" Color="Black" />
        <MinorTicks Visible="true" Size="10" Color="Black" />
        <Labels />

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Danail Vasilev

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