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Rad Control Copy Paste

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Senthamil asked on 28 Jul 2008, 02:11 AM
   Currently i am using the full featured RAD Editor for MOSS. I could not able to copy paste any image or picture from word, ppt or from any local application. It allows you to copy paste only online images. Also when i copy paste online content it is linking the inage not embedded into the content.

Anyone please let me know whether i can provide copy paste from local application by overriding any event from editor

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Telerik team
answered on 28 Jul 2008, 09:53 AM
Hi Senthamil,

Basically when you paste image file into a DHTML editor from an external location such as a local hard drive, there is not way to automatically upload the image file to the server and the inserted image will be not accessible via the web.

The automatic file upload to the server is not possible with JavaScript code, because the JavaScript engine cannot access the local file system from outside due to the security restrictions of the browser.

The only possible way to achieve your goal is to use ActiveX control or some other software, installed on the client, but the ActiveX components are forbidden by the corporate networks, require approval from the client for installation and work only under Internet Explorer. Our components provide cross-browser support and that is why we do not want to implement such an ActiveX control.

You should instruct your users to firstly upload the images using the upload functionality of the Image manager and after that they will be able to insert them in the editor.

Best regards,
the Telerik team

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WebParts for SharePoint
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