I'm implementing "Reset to Default" functionality that needs to reset any moved/resized columns to the original blazor code.
I create my columns/grid using
<TelerikGrid @ref="TelerikGridInstance" Data="@GridItems" TotalCount="@GridItems.Count" @bind-SelectedItems="@SelectedItems"
Reorderable="@Resetting" PageSize="30" Height="@Height" RowHeight="28" Resizable="true"
SelectionMode="GridSelectionMode.Multiple" OnRowDoubleClick="OnRowDoubleClick" OnRowClick="OnRowClick"
ScrollMode="@(VirtualMode ? GridScrollMode.Virtual : GridScrollMode.Scrollable)"
@foreach (var c in Columns)
if(ColumnVisible(c) == false){
<GridColumn Width="@width" Title="@c.Label">
I tried temporarily settings columns to nothing and then rerendering, but they get restored in the previous state. I could go down the path of destroying the component completely and then having to recreate everything but thats a pretty expensive task and my hope is there is a better way to do this.
Or a way to set the column order/widths in code? Since I do know the original order/widths