Along with this post you will find a screen shot of my user control made with the RadMenu.
Basically, I need each items from the RadMenu to be the same width and also, to use all the width available.
The RadMenu consists of the grey bar that contains Quote, Purchase Order, Ready for delivery and Delivered quantity.
I also want to keep a little bit of padding on the left and right.
I found a solution to this problem using javascript but I can't apply it to my situation because everything present in the screenshot is in a user control
(i.e: The control contains: Picture under the blue rectangle and hom/about/logout, plus the RadMenu).
So I can't really access to the RadMenu with Javascript.
Solution using Javascript: http://www.telerik.com/support/kb/aspnet-ajax/menu/details/stretching-menu-items-to-fill-the-entire-width-of-radmenu
Thanks for helping me out, I can provide more information if needed.
Along with this post you will find a screen shot of my user control made with the RadMenu.
Basically, I need each items from the RadMenu to be the same width and also, to use all the width available.
The RadMenu consists of the grey bar that contains Quote, Purchase Order, Ready for delivery and Delivered quantity.
I also want to keep a little bit of padding on the left and right.
I found a solution to this problem using javascript but I can't apply it to my situation because everything present in the screenshot is in a user control
(i.e: The control contains: Picture under the blue rectangle and hom/about/logout, plus the RadMenu).
So I can't really access to the RadMenu with Javascript.
Solution using Javascript: http://www.telerik.com/support/kb/aspnet-ajax/menu/details/stretching-menu-items-to-fill-the-entire-width-of-radmenu
Thanks for helping me out, I can provide more information if needed.