Hi Team,
I'm trying to load Popup edit form automatically in radgrid on button click.
I'm using below code to launcg popup.
int index = ViewState["ROWINDEX"] != null ? Convert.ToInt32(ViewState["ROWINDEX"]) : -1;
if (index > -1)
//if (((System.Web.UI.WebControls.Button)(sender)).Text == "Next")
this.gvGrowth.MasterTableView.Items[index].Edit = true;
// }
But the popup is not launched automatically , when i click on the button.
I'm using Telerik.Web.UI, v.2011.3.1305.40 , please let me know whether this version support this functionality or do we have any work around for this.
I followed the below link to develop my application and I'm using webuser control.
This is very urgent , can some one please help me.
Sai teja