hello, i have a pivot grid in an asp.net web app. I have configured de localization using the resx files this way:
in app_globalresources i have the translated files
and the original RadPivotGrid.Main.resx
in the pivot grid i have this configuration:
<telerik:RadPivotGrid ID="RadPivotGrid1" runat="server" OnNeedDataSource="RadPivotGrid1_NeedDataSource" OnPreRender="RadPivotGrid1_PreRender"
AllowSorting="true" EnableConfigurationPanel="true" Height="545px" OnPivotGridCellExporting="RadPivotGrid1_PivotGridCellExporting"
OnCellDataBound="RadPivotGrid1_CellDataBound" OnFieldCreated="RadPivotGrid1_FieldCreated" Culture="es-ES" >
in the code behind i also include this line : RadPivotGrid1.Culture = System.Globalization.CultureInfo.CurrentCulture;
(the current culture in my PC is es-MX and it is the same in the server
after publish for deploy i have inside the bin folder 2 more folders named es-ES and es-MX inside that folder there are one dll named this way: Presentation.resources.dll (presentatio is a application layer)
when i deploy the app to the server the texts in the pivot grid remain in english, i only can se the spanish text in compilation time.
what i need to do to make this to show the text in spanish?