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pivot grid Cell template programatically

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Syed asked on 14 Oct 2013, 01:30 AM

Iam creating a Class for Pivot grid for programatic creation of grid.
Example :

 public static void Layouts(RadPivotGrid grid, int height, int width, Boolean widthtype, Boolean allowsorting)
        grid.Skin = "Office2007";// set the Skin

        grid.EmptyValue = "No data";     
        grid.Height = height; //Set the height of the grid  in % or in pixcel
        if (width > 0)
            if (widthtype == false)
                grid.Width = width; // set the Width of the grid  in % or in pixcel
                grid.Width = Unit.Percentage(width);
        grid.AllowSorting = allowsorting;
        grid.AllowFiltering = false;
        grid.ShowFilterHeaderZone = false;
        grid.ShowDataHeaderZone = false;
        grid.ShowFilterHeaderZone = false;
        grid.ShowRowHeaderZone = false;
        grid.ClientSettings.Scrolling.AllowVerticalScroll = true;
        grid.ClientSettings.Scrolling.SaveScrollPosition = true;



    //Set all the telerik Grid Page
    #region LayoutPage
    public static void LayoutPage(RadPivotGrid grid, int pagesize, Boolean allowpaging)
        grid.PageSize = pagesize;//Set the Grid Page default page size
        grid.AllowPaging = allowpaging;//Set Paging for a grid as true or false
        //  grid.PagerStyle.PageSizeControlType = "RadDropDownList";


    //This function is to set the visblity of Colum and Row total and Subtotal display
    #region TotalSettings
    public static void TotalSettings(RadPivotGrid grid, TotalsPosition ColumnGrandTotalsPosition, TotalsPosition ColumnsSubTotalsPosition, TotalsPosition RowGrandTotalsPosition, TotalsPosition RowsSubTotalsPosition)
        grid.TotalsSettings.ColumnGrandTotalsPosition = ColumnGrandTotalsPosition;
        grid.TotalsSettings.ColumnsSubTotalsPosition = ColumnsSubTotalsPosition;
        grid.TotalsSettings.RowGrandTotalsPosition = RowGrandTotalsPosition;


    // bind the Datatable to  grid
    #region DataBind
    public static void DataBinds(RadPivotGrid grid, DataTable dataTable, Boolean needdatasource)

        grid.DataSource = dataTable;
        if (!needdatasource)
    public static void DataBinds(RadPivotGrid grid, DataSet dataSet, Boolean needdatasource)
        DataBinds(grid, dataSet.Tables[0], needdatasource);

    //here we define each column type and value and text
    #region PivotgridColumnType

    //To set the Grid header column groups
    #region PivotGridRowFiled
    public static void PivotGridRowFiled(RadPivotGrid grid,  String datafield, String UniqueName, int Width,TelerikControlType Columntype,String contolID)
        PivotGridRowField rowField = new PivotGridRowField();
        rowField.CellTemplate = new MyTemplate(datafield, Columntype.ToString(), Width - 2, contolID);
        rowField.DataField = datafield;
        rowField.UniqueName = UniqueName;
        rowField.CellStyle.Width = Width;


     #region PivotGridColumnFiled
    public static void PivotGridColumnFiled(RadPivotGrid grid,  String datafield, String UniqueName, int Width)
        PivotGridColumnField  columnField = new PivotGridColumnField ();
       // rowField.CellTemplate=
        columnField.DataField = datafield;
        columnField.UniqueName = UniqueName;
        columnField.CellStyle.Width = Width;



        #region PivotGridAggregateFiled
    public static void PivotGridAggregateFiled(RadPivotGrid grid,  String datafield, String UniqueName, int Width,String DataFormatString,String totalformatString)
        PivotGridColumnField  aggregateField = new PivotGridColumnField ();
       // rowField.CellTemplate=
        aggregateField.DataField = datafield;
        aggregateField.UniqueName = UniqueName;
        aggregateField.CellStyle.Width = Width;
         aggregateField.DataFormatString = DataFormatString;
            aggregateField.TotalFormatString = totalformatString;



now everything looks good but i need to create a cell template which has Lable,Div controls need to add in aggregate and in row Column.

is there any sample for creating cell template for Pivot grid by program.

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Telerik team
answered on 17 Oct 2013, 05:45 AM
Hi Syed,

When creating template columns programmatically, the pivot grid must be generated completely in the code-behind using the Page_Init event and you must define a custom class that implements the ITemplate interface. We do not have such example but you could check out the following RadGRid's help article which demonstrates how to create a template column. The approach is similar with the difference that you have to create a CellTemplate.

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answered on 17 Oct 2013, 06:04 AM
Thanks for your reply,
I fallow the same was as radgrid template class creation.

For pivot grid i have createded a helper class and also i have created all pivotgrid in Init function.
everything is working just i want to know how to bind the data to lable or textbox.
in Rad grid template class we bind textbox or Lable like this.

 public void textBox_DataBinding(object sender, EventArgs e)
            TextBox txt = (TextBox)sender;
            GridDataItem container = (GridDataItem)txt.NamingContainer;
            txt.Text = ((DataRowView)container.DataItem)[colname].ToString();

I want an example how to bind for the Pivot grid using template class.

here is my Pivot grid helper class :

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Web;
using System.Data;
using Telerik.Web.UI;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Web.UI.WebControls;
using System.Web.UI;
using eis = Telerik.Web.UI.ExportInfrastructure;
/// <summary>
/// Author      : Shanu
/// Create date : 2013-10-08
/// Description : telerikPivotGridHelper
/// Latest
/// Modifier    : Shanu
/// Modify date : 2013-10-08
/// </summary>
public class TelerikPivotGridHelper
 public TelerikPivotGridHelper()

    //Set all the telerik Grid layout
    #region Layout
    public static void Layouts(RadPivotGrid grid, int height, int width, Boolean widthtype, Boolean allowsorting, Boolean ShowRowHeaderZone, Boolean ShowDataHeaderZone, Boolean ShowColumnHeaderZone)
        grid.Skin = "Office2007";// set the Skin

        grid.EmptyValue = "";     
        grid.Height = height; //Set the height of the grid  in % or in pixcel
        if (width > 0)
            if (widthtype == false)
                grid.Width = width; // set the Width of the grid  in % or in pixcel
                grid.Width = Unit.Percentage(width);
        grid.AllowSorting = allowsorting;
        grid.AllowFiltering = false;
        grid.ShowFilterHeaderZone = false;
        grid.ShowDataHeaderZone = ShowDataHeaderZone;
        grid.ShowFilterHeaderZone = false;
        grid.ShowColumnHeaderZone = ShowColumnHeaderZone;
        grid.ShowRowHeaderZone = ShowRowHeaderZone;
        grid.ClientSettings.Scrolling.AllowVerticalScroll = true;
        grid.ClientSettings.Scrolling.SaveScrollPosition = true;



    //Set all the telerik Grid Page
    #region LayoutPage
    public static void LayoutPage(RadPivotGrid grid, int pagesize, Boolean allowpaging)
        grid.PageSize = pagesize;//Set the Grid Page default page size
        grid.AllowPaging = allowpaging;//Set Paging for a grid as true or false
        //  grid.PagerStyle.PageSizeControlType = "RadDropDownList";


    //This function is to set the visblity of Colum and Row total and Subtotal display
    #region TotalSettings
    public static void TotalSettings(RadPivotGrid grid, TotalsPosition ColumnGrandTotalsPosition, TotalsPosition ColumnsSubTotalsPosition, TotalsPosition RowGrandTotalsPosition, TotalsPosition RowsSubTotalsPosition)
        grid.TotalsSettings.ColumnGrandTotalsPosition = ColumnGrandTotalsPosition;
        grid.TotalsSettings.ColumnsSubTotalsPosition = ColumnsSubTotalsPosition;
        grid.TotalsSettings.RowGrandTotalsPosition = RowGrandTotalsPosition;


    // bind the Datatable to  grid
    #region DataBind
    public static void DataBinds(RadPivotGrid grid, DataTable dataTable, Boolean needdatasource)

        grid.DataSource = dataTable;
        if (!needdatasource)
    public static void DataBinds(RadPivotGrid grid, DataSet dataSet, Boolean needdatasource)
        DataBinds(grid, dataSet.Tables[0], needdatasource);

    //here we define each column type and value and text
    #region PivotgridColumnType

    //To set the Grid header column groups
    #region PivotGridRowFiled
    public static void PivotGridRowFiled(RadPivotGrid grid,String headertext,  String datafield, String UniqueName, int Width,TelerikControlType Columntype,String contolID)
        PivotGridRowField rowField = new PivotGridRowField();
        if (Columntype != TelerikControlType.None)
            rowField.CellTemplate = new MyTemplate(datafield, Columntype.ToString(), Width - 2, contolID);
        rowField.DataField = datafield;
        rowField.UniqueName = UniqueName;
        rowField.CellStyle.Width = Width;
        rowField.Caption = headertext;


     #region PivotGridColumnFiled
    public static void PivotGridColumnFiled(RadPivotGrid grid, String headertext, String datafield, String UniqueName, int Width, TelerikControlType Columntype, String contolID)
        PivotGridColumnField  columnField = new PivotGridColumnField ();
        if (Columntype != TelerikControlType.None)
            columnField.CellTemplate = new MyTemplate(datafield, Columntype.ToString(), Width - 2, contolID);
        columnField.DataField = datafield;
        columnField.UniqueName = UniqueName;
        if (Width > 0)
            columnField.CellStyle.Width = Width;
        columnField.Caption = headertext;


        #region PivotGridAggregateFiled
    public static void PivotGridAggregateFiled(RadPivotGrid grid,String headertext, String datafield, String UniqueName, int Width, String DataFormatString, String totalformatString, TelerikControlType Columntype, String contolID)
        PivotGridAggregateField aggregateField = new PivotGridAggregateField();
        if (Columntype != TelerikControlType.None)
            aggregateField.CellTemplate = new MyTemplate(datafield, Columntype.ToString(), Width - 2, contolID);
        aggregateField.DataField = datafield;
        aggregateField.UniqueName = UniqueName;
        aggregateField.CellStyle.Width = Width;
         aggregateField.DataFormatString = DataFormatString;
            aggregateField.TotalFormatString = totalformatString;
            aggregateField.Caption = headertext;



    # region TemplateColumnClass
    public class MyTemplate : ITemplate
        #region Variables

        // controls
         protected Label label;
        protected System.Web.UI.HtmlControls.HtmlGenericControl dynDiv;
        //loacl variable
        private String colname;
        private String Columntype;
        private int cntrlwidth;
        private String cntrlId;

        # endregion

        #region bindControls

        public MyTemplate(string cName, String Ctype, int controlWidth, String ControlID )
            colname = cName;
            Columntype = Ctype;
            cntrlwidth = controlWidth;
            cntrlId = ControlID;

        public void InstantiateIn(System.Web.UI.Control container)
            switch (Columntype)

  case "Label":

                    label = new Label();
                    label.ID = cntrlId;
                    label.Width = cntrlwidth;
                    label.DataBinding += new EventHandler(label_DataBinding);


                case "DIV":

                    dynDiv = new System.Web.UI.HtmlControls.HtmlGenericControl("DIV");
                    dynDiv.ID = cntrlId;
                    dynDiv.Attributes["style"]  = "float:left;margin: 0px -10px 0px -10px; padding: 0px;";
                   // dynDiv.Width = cntrlwidth;
                   // label.DataBinding += new EventHandler(label_DataBinding);
                  //  label.ForeColor = Color.Red;
//this is used in telerik grid how to use same thing for Pivot grid
  public void label_DataBinding(object sender, EventArgs e)
            Label lbltxt = (Label)sender;
            GridDataItem container = (GridDataItem)lbltxt.NamingContainer;
            lbltxt.Text = ((DataRowView)container.DataItem)[colname].ToString();

        # endregion

    # endregion

And in my CS Init method  i call this class like this

 protected void Page_Init(object source, System.EventArgs e)

     protected void InitializeGridControl()
         TelerikPivotGridHelper.Layouts(RadGrid1, 600, 99,true, false,true,false,false);
         TelerikPivotGridHelper.LayoutPage(RadGrid1, 50, true);
         TelerikPivotGridHelper.TotalSettings(RadGrid1, TotalsPosition.None, TotalsPosition.None, TotalsPosition.None, TotalsPosition.None);

         TelerikPivotGridHelper.PivotGridRowFiled(RadGrid1,"Custname", "CustName", "CustName", 100,TelerikControlType.None,"");
         TelerikPivotGridHelper.PivotGridRowFiled(RadGrid1,"ToolNo", "ToolNo", "ToolNo", 100, TelerikControlType.None, "");
         TelerikPivotGridHelper.PivotGridRowFiled(RadGrid1,"Partname", "partName", "partName", 100, TelerikControlType.None, "");
         TelerikPivotGridHelper.PivotGridRowFiled(RadGrid1,"Oper", "OPER", "OPER", 100, TelerikControlType.None, "");
         //TelerikPivotGridHelper.PivotGridRowFiled(RadGrid1,"OperDesc", "OperDesc", "OperDesc", 100, TelerikControlType.None, "");

         TelerikPivotGridHelper.PivotGridColumnFiled(RadGrid1,"Sc Date", "YDATE", "YDATE", 0, TelerikControlType.None, "");
         TelerikPivotGridHelper.PivotGridColumnFiled(RadGrid1, "MON", "ASDT", "ASDT", 0, TelerikControlType.None, "");
         TelerikPivotGridHelper.PivotGridColumnFiled(RadGrid1, "", "dt", "dt", 0, TelerikControlType.None, "");
         TelerikPivotGridHelper.PivotGridColumnFiled(RadGrid1, "", "dayname", "dayname", 0, TelerikControlType.None, "");

         TelerikPivotGridHelper.PivotGridAggregateFiled(RadGrid1, "", "rowsID", "rowsID", 28, "{0:F2}", "{0:F2}", TelerikControlType.DIV, "div1");

         RadGrid1.NeedDataSource +=new EventHandler<PivotGridNeedDataSourceEventArgs>(RadGrid1_NeedDataSource);
         RadGrid1.CellDataBound +=new EventHandler<PivotGridCellDataBoundEventArgs>(RadGrid1_CellDataBound);


Telerik team
answered on 21 Oct 2013, 01:31 PM
Hi Syed,

You could use the same approach but instead getting the GridDataItem you have to get the PivotGridDataCell if you add the template to an Aggregate field. Check out the following code snippet.
Label lbltxt = (Label)sender;
PivotGridDataCell container = (PivotGridDataCell)lbltxt.NamingContainer;
lbltxt.Text = container .DataItem.ToString();

Note that by getting the NamingContainer you have to cast it to the appropriate type. This could be PivotGridDataCell, PivotGridRowHeaderCell or PivotGridColumnHeaderCell.

I hope this information helps.

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answered on 21 Oct 2013, 11:54 PM
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