I have implemented a custom File Explorer. The explorer is initialized with two paths, a User folder and a Company folder like this:
RadFileExplorer1.Configuration.ViewPaths = New String() {cUser.Account.BusinessName & "/", cUser.UserName & "/"}
RadFileExplorer1.Configuration.UploadPaths = New String() {cUser.Account.BusinessName & "/", cUser.UserName & "/"}
RadFileExplorer1.Configuration.DeletePaths = New String() {cUser.Account.BusinessName & "/", cUser.UserName & "/"}
I can move/copy directories from one to another and I can move files from the user to the company folder. However, when attempting to move a file from the company folder to the user folder the explorer throws the folder error;
"The selected folder could not be created because the application did not have enough permissions. Please, contact the administrator."
"The selected folder could not be created because the application did not have enough permissions. Please, contact the administrator."
This is thrown before any functions in my code run while debugging. Any help would be appreciated.