I'm modernizing some really old code that used the old Rad toolkit. I found that the "argument" property is not persisting. I was able to change the window's close code around to pass the element in the close() function, but can't find a way to do this when opening the form. I'm using VS2013 with ASP.NET AJAX and Telerik.Web.UI v2015.3.930.45.
Please take a look and advise. I don't want to make a round-trip to the server for this. I also found that javascript globals do not persist between postbacks. So I can't use that sloppy method either. FYI - I keep the window open and the user may initiate a number of postbacks with an runat=server asp:button before I close it from the client side.
Javascript being called from a client-side radmenu click on the main page. "notesExist" is a string value.
function ShowNotesForm(id, notesExist) {
var oWnd = window.radopen("Dialogs/Notes.aspx?DocID=" + id, "NotesDialog");
oWnd.argument = notesExist;
Javascript within my Notes.aspx:
<telerik:RadScriptBlock runat="server">
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function () {
I've tried reading GetRadWindow().Argument in other sections like after a button-click on the client-side, but put it here to make it easy to replicate on your end.