I'm having a weird behaviour using your Tooltip component.
<TelerikTooltip TargetSelector="#clickTarget" ShowOn="@TooltipShowEvent.Click">
Tooltip content
<span id="clickTarget">
<strong>Click</strong> me to see the tooltip.
<span id="clickTarget">
<strong>Click</strong> me to see the tooltip.
Just two spans and a tooltip which is shown when any of these spans is clicked.
The weird behaviour is that these spans are showing a "default title tooltip" on hovering, showing null in its content, after I have clicked them to show the telerik tooltip I've defined. They still are showing the telerik tooltip on click, but also a "default title tooltip" on hovering, showing null.
Please take a look at the attached gif. As you can see, after, and just after, I have clicked the spans, a new null tooltip is appearing on hover. It is like your component was setting the span title to "null" or something like that.
Any way of removing this behaviour?