Hi there,
I need to show next and prev button above rad grid so that when my site is open on mobile view, user can navigate to rest of the columns. Every column is given fixed width. But the issue I am facing that I must have to freeze at least one column.
Current code:
<MasterTableView DataKeyNames="UserID" HeaderStyle-Width="100px" TableLayout="Auto" CommandItemDisplay="TopAndBottom" CommandItemSettings-ShowAddNewRecordButton="false" CommandItemSettings-ShowRefreshButton="false" CommandItemSettings-NextFrozenColumnText="Next Column" CommandItemSettings-PrevFrozenColumnText="Previous Column">
<Scrolling AllowScroll="true" UseStaticHeaders="true" FrozenColumnsCount="1" EnableNextPrevFrozenColumns="true" />
When I set FrozenColumnsCount="0", next and prev button stop working.
Kindly provide the solution so that no column would get freezed.