I have a with 2 nested radgrids in the NestedViewTemplate.
All 3 are getting data via web service.
1) When my nested bound with more than 10 rows, template or checkbox columns would render at rows greater than 10, of course, paging is disabled. My work around is to set page size to something big instead of 10 (and yes, paging is still disabled). However, this slows the page a lot.
2) Date time formatting issues.
None of the datetime format string worked if I'm binding data via webservice in a different locale.
e.g. 12/09/2008 would show
12.09.2008 if Germany is my locale. However, it would just render "Mon Dec 8 10:08:12 PST 2008" (i think it's default javascript formatting or sth?) My fix is to set the formatting by getting the current CultureInfo and set the dataformatstring manually in code behind in the grid load event.
3) customized dropdown column
i made a customized dropdown column using ms traditional dropdown control and it loads/shows up correctly at first, however, when ever i do a sort or any grid command (-side) the dropdown would disappear with a css display:none set to it. Therefore, I had to fix it by using jquery to remove that css style.
All 3 are getting data via web service.
1) When my nested bound with more than 10 rows, template or checkbox columns would render at rows greater than 10, of course, paging is disabled. My work around is to set page size to something big instead of 10 (and yes, paging is still disabled). However, this slows the page a lot.
2) Date time formatting issues.
None of the datetime format string worked if I'm binding data via webservice in a different locale.
e.g. 12/09/2008 would show
3) customized dropdown column
i made a customized dropdown column using ms traditional dropdown control and it loads/shows up correctly at first, however, when ever i do a sort or any grid command (-side) the dropdown would disappear with a css display:none set to it. Therefore, I had to fix it by using jquery to remove that css style.