I have a combobox component that can draw on available properties such as "Class" and "MaxHeight." However, when I try to implement comboboxes, I see no way to disable them. Below is a portion of the RenderComboBox method. I can only avoid the error by commenting out "d.AddAttribute(302, "Enabled", "false");"
RenderFragment item = d =>
if (RowCount == 0) { RowCount= 20; }
d.AddAttribute(300, "MaxHeight", $"{(RowCount * 22).ToString()}px");
d.AddAttribute(301, "Class", "telCombo");
d.AddAttribute(302, "Enabled", "false");
The above code earns me the message
"Object of type 'Telerik.Blazor.Components.ComboBoxPopupSettings' does not have a property matching the name 'Enabled'."
Indeed, when I look it up, the list of inherited members has nothing for enabling/ disabling the feature. How can i disable it?