I have EnableCheckAllItemsCheckBox property set to true.
I have javascript function which highlight all matches in the combobox when user starts typing.
For example I have combobox populated with 100 items. 5 are highlighted and visible after user stsrts typing.
When user clicks on Check All check box all 100 items are checked. But I need only 5 to be checked.
I have implemented OnClientCheckAllChecked function see below. It is working ok for the small sets of items.
But in some cases I have 550+ item in the combobox and it takes some time to finish procedure.
Is there any wau to get control of the Check All check box and check all visible items without the need to first uncheck all checked items and then check visible ones.
Please advise
<telerik:RadComboBox ID="cb" runat="server" Skin="Metro" CheckBoxes="True" CheckedItemsTexts="DisplayAllInInput" DropDownAutoWidth="Enabled"
EnableCheckAllItemsCheckBox="True" OnClientCheckAllChecked="OnClientCheckAllChecked" MaxHeight="200px" OnClientDropDownClosing="OnClientDropDownClosing">
<telerik:RadTextBox runat="server" ID="txt" Width="100%" />
function HighlightAllMatches(textBoxId, comboBoxId)
var $T = window.Telerik.Web.UI;
var originalFunction = $T.RadComboBox.prototype.highlightAllMatches;
var comboBox = window.$find(comboBoxId);
var textBox = window.$find(textBoxId);
$T.RadComboBox.prototype.highlightAllMatches = function(text)
originalFunction.call(this, text);
function OnClientCheckAllChecked(sender, args)
var checkedItems = sender.get_checkedItems();
var visibleItems = sender.get_visibleItems();
if (args.get_checked() && (checkedItems.length != visibleItems.length))
for (var i = 0; i < checkedItems.length; i++)
for (var v = 0; v < visibleItems.length; v++)