Consider the code bellow. I have an @ondblclick event on a card that sets a boolean value which in turns controls the visible property of a Telerik RTE inside a foreach loop.
The problem is when I double click on card, all the RTEs become visible. How can I control the dblclick event to set the Visible property of the RTE inside the card I dblclick? Any hint will do.
I dont know if I am making any sense, but I can provide additional details if needed.
@foreach (var chapters in leaseContractDefaultTemplateChapters.OrderBy(s => s.DisplayOrder))
<MudContainer Fixed="true">
<MudPaper Height="auto" Width="auto">
<MudCard @ondblclick="@OnChapterCardDoubleClick">
<MudText Class="d-flex" Typo="Typo.h6">@chapters.Name</MudText>
<MudIconButton OnClick="@(async () => await GetComputedTemplateChapter())" Icon="@Icons.Material.Outlined.Functions" />
<MudIconButton OnClick="@OnSaveChapterClick" Icon="@Icons.Material.Filled.Save" Color="Color.Success" />
@if (rteVisible)
<TelerikEditor @ref="chapterEditor" @bind-Value="@chapters.HtmlString"