I have a RadTimePicker control in a user control (ascx). When this is the only RadCalendar type control it works correctly. When a RadDatePicker is added to the user control, neither the TimePicker or DatePicker work (No popup).
The controls are within a dynamically created pageview.
We've attempted to use a shared calendar and Timeview control to no avail. We tried adding these controls to the ascx page and to the aspx page. Neither worked.
Would greatly appreciate any help in getting multiple controls to work is this scenario.
aspx segment of page which uses a master
partial code behind for aspx page
partial code for ascx user control
The controls are within a dynamically created pageview.
We've attempted to use a shared calendar and Timeview control to no avail. We tried adding these controls to the ascx page and to the aspx page. Neither worked.
Would greatly appreciate any help in getting multiple controls to work is this scenario.
aspx segment of page which uses a master
<asp:Panel ID="pnlPreferences" runat="server" GroupingText=""> |
<table border="0"> |
<tr> |
<td align="center"> |
<telerik:RadTabStrip OnClientTabSelecting="onTabSelecting" ID="rtsDonorView" SelectedIndex="0" |
runat="server" MultiPageID="rmpDonorView" AutoPostBack="true" |
Orientation="HorizontalTop"> |
</telerik:RadTabStrip> |
<telerik:RadMultiPage ID="rmpDonorView" runat="server" SelectedIndex="0" RenderSelectedPageOnly="true" > |
</telerik:RadMultiPage> |
</td> |
</tr> |
</table> |
</asp:Panel> |
partial code behind for aspx page
Protected Overrides Sub OnLoadNonPostBack() |
MyBase.OnLoadNonPostBack() |
'TODO Add error checking and recovery to handle case that no DonorInformationID is supplied. |
If Request("DonorInformationID") Is Nothing Then |
'Throw New Exception("DonorInformationID must be supplied") |
End If |
'******************************************************************************* |
'** hidden fields are losing their values when a tab is clicked. ** |
'** Storing as viewstate in properties retains the values between tab selections |
'******************************************************************************* |
'hfDonorInformationID.Value = Request("DonorInformationID") |
DonorInformationID = 1 'TODO Testing. Hidden fields are losing their values when a tab is clicked. Testing viewstate |
PersonID = ent.DonorInformation.Include("Person") _ |
.GetByPk(DonorInformationID).Person.PersonID |
AddTab("Donor Summary", "DonorSummary.ascx") |
AddPageView(rtsDonorView.FindTabByValue("DonorSummary.ascx")) |
AddTab("Donation History", "DonationHistory.ascx") |
AddTab("Contact History", "ContactHistories.ascx") |
AddTab("Campaigns", "Campaigns.ascx") |
rtsDonorView.FindTabByValue("Campaigns.ascx").IsBreak = True |
AddTab("Contact Information", "ContactInformation.ascx") |
AddTab("Preferences", "Preferences.ascx") |
AddTab("Concerns", "Concerns.ascx") |
AddTab("Household", "Household.ascx") |
Dim sTemplate = (From q In ent.Template _ |
Where q.TemplateType.TemplateTypeID = 4 _ |
Select q.Value _ |
).FirstOrDefault() |
lblViewTemplate.Text = Utility.TemplateProcessing.ProcessTemplate(sTemplate, PersonID) |
End Sub |
Protected Sub rmpDonorView_PageViewCreated(ByVal sender As Object, _ |
ByVal e As RadMultiPageEventArgs) _ |
Handles rmpDonorView.PageViewCreated |
Dim userControlName As String = e.PageView.ID |
Dim userControl As DonorViewTab = Page.LoadControl("DonorViewControls/" & userControlName) |
userControl.DonorInformationID = DonorInformationID |
userControl.PersonID = PersonID |
userControl.ID = e.PageView.ID & "_userControl" |
e.PageView.Controls.Add(userControl) |
End Sub |
Protected Sub rtsDonorView_TabClick(ByVal sender As Object, _ |
ByVal e As RadTabStripEventArgs) _ |
Handles rtsDonorView.TabClick |
If e.Tab.PageViewID.ToString = "" Then |
AddPageView(e.Tab) |
End If |
e.Tab.PageView.Selected = True |
End Sub |
Private Sub AddTab(ByVal tabName As String, ByVal tabID As String) |
Dim tab As RadTab = New RadTab |
tab.Text = tabName |
tab.Value = tabID |
rtsDonorView.Tabs.Add(tab) |
End Sub |
Private Sub AddPageView(ByVal tab As RadTab) |
Dim pageView As RadPageView = New RadPageView |
pageView.ID = tab.Value |
rmpDonorView.PageViews.Add(pageView) |
tab.PageViewID = pageView.ID |
End Sub |
partial code for ascx user control
<tr> |
<td align="right"><asp:Label ID="lblTime" runat="server" meta:ResourceKey="lblTime" CssClass="Label" /></td> |
<td colspan="2" align="left"> |
<telerik:RadTimePicker ID="rtpCallPreference" runat="server" |
Culture="English (United States)" SharedTimeViewID="RadTimeView1"> |
<TimePopupButton CssClass="" /> |
<TimeView Interval="01:00:00"> |
</TimeView> |
<DateInput LabelCssClass="" Width=""> |
</DateInput> |
<Calendar UseColumnHeadersAsSelectors="True" UseRowHeadersAsSelectors="True"> |
</Calendar> |
<DatePopupButton CssClass="" Visible="False" /> |
</telerik:RadTimePicker> |
</td> |
</tr> |
<tr> |
<td align="right"><asp:Label ID="lblExpires" runat="server" meta:ResourceKey="lblExpires" CssClass="Label"></asp:Label> |
</td> |
<td align="left"> |
<telerik:RadDatePicker ID="rdpExpires" Runat="server"> |
</telerik:RadDatePicker> |
</td> |
</tr> |