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Large content and Postback

2 Answers 102 Views
This is a migrated thread and some comments may be shown as answers.
Joseph Alves
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Rank 1
Joseph Alves asked on 12 Sep 2008, 06:47 AM
I'm using a RadEditor to display a very large content - somthing that can go up to 10 000 words, which represent 20 or so pages. I used to work with the Telelerik for ASP.NET components, and I converted the app to the ASP.NET for ajax components. The page is using a RadEditor with sliding zone, panel bars and ajax manager. The problem is that everytime a postback is made, it seems that the editor is reloading itself and for a few seconds, the application is completely freezed. And that postback time is slowing depending on the text length, when the editor is empty, there's no latency. I didn't have that with the old suite and wondered how I could bypass that; I tried to define the viewstate property to false, different ajax configurations, but nothing changed. What can I do to prevent the editor to reload on the postback ?

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Joseph Alves
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Rank 1
answered on 12 Sep 2008, 02:20 PM
I found something.... I added in the page_load 

"myEditor.ContentFilters = Telerik.Web.UI.EditorFilters.None"

and everything went back to normal... seems it was the default filters which were taking a whole lot of memory....

just to know and to anticipate the future problems, what are the default filters ?

Telerik team
answered on 15 Sep 2008, 01:19 PM
Hi Joseph,

You can review the editor's default set of content filters on the following online demo:

I hope this helps.

the Telerik team

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Joseph Alves
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Joseph Alves
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Telerik team
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