Is it possible to set the visibility of grid columns when the columns are defined manually?

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Stefan asked on 24 Sep 2021, 12:34 PM

I've created a generic TelerikGrid component that can handle any model is pass onto it. However, because of this, I cannot enable AutoGenerateColumns, since the model is not specified when the grid is being initialized. Instead, I have to manually define the columns using a variation of the example provided here:

@inject LocalStorageService _localStorage
@inject GenericHttpEntityService _entityService

@typeparam TItem

<div style="position: relative; width: 100%; min-height: 400px;">
    <TelerikLoaderContainer OverlayThemeColor="light" Visible="@(!IsDoneLoading)"
                            Text="@null" Class="initial-data-loader">
            <TelerikLoader Type="LoaderType.Pulsing" Size="LoaderSize.Large"></TelerikLoader>

    <TelerikGrid Data="@GridData"
                 OnStateInit="@((GridStateEventArgs<object> args) => OnStateInitHandler(args))"
                 OnStateChanged="@((GridStateEventArgs<object> args) => OnStateChangedHandler(args))">
            @if (GridData != null && GridData.Any())
                var firstItem = GridData.First();
                var dictionary = firstItem.GetType().GetProperties().ToDictionary(prop => prop.Name, prop => prop.GetValue(firstItem, null));

                foreach (var (key, value) in dictionary)
                    if (value == null)

                    <GridColumn Field="@key" FieldType="@value.GetType()"></GridColumn>

@code {
    // Grid data
    private List<object> GridData { get; set; } = new();
    private int Total { get; set; }

    // Loading
    bool IsDoneLoading { get; set; }

    // Grid state
    TelerikGrid<object> Grid { get; set; }
    string StorageKey { get; set; }

    // Parameters
    public bool MaintainState { get; set; }
    public TItem Entity { get; set; }

    protected override void OnInitialized()
        StorageKey = $"{typeof(TItem).Name}GridState";

    private async Task ReadEntity(GridReadEventArgs args)
        var data = await _entityService.GetAll<TItem>(args.Request);

        GridData = data.Records.Cast<object>().ToList();
        Total = data.Total;

        IsDoneLoading = true;

    async Task OnStateInitHandler(GridStateEventArgs<object> args)
        if (!MaintainState) return;

            var state = await _localStorage.GetItem<GridState<object>>(StorageKey);
            if (state != null)
                args.GridState = state;
        catch (InvalidOperationException)
    // The JS Interop for the local storage cannot be used during pre-rendering
    // so the code above will throw. Once the app initializes, it will work fine.

    async void OnStateChangedHandler(GridStateEventArgs<object> args)
        if (!MaintainState) return;

        await _localStorage.SetItem(StorageKey, args.GridState);

The problem with this is that the visibility of the columns can't be defined in the model with annotations like [Display(AutoGenerated = false)]. Is there any way to do what I want to achieve here?

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Nadezhda Tacheva
Telerik team
answered on 28 Sep 2021, 11:44 AM

Hello Stefan,

While you have created a generic Grid, I suppose you still want to include some logic for the various columns visibility - for example, not to display columns that contain IDs. If so, you may try conditionally rendering the columns based on the item key.

For example:

        @if (GridData != null && GridData.Any())
            var firstItem = GridData.First();
            var dictionary = firstItem.GetType().GetProperties().ToDictionary(prop => prop.Name, prop => prop.GetValue(firstItem, null));

            foreach (var (key, value) in dictionary)
                if (value == null)

                if (key != "EmployeeId")
                    <GridColumn Field="@key" FieldType="@value.GetType()"></GridColumn>


I hope you will find this information useful. If any further questions appear, please let us know.


Nadezhda Tacheva
Progress Telerik

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