Inquiry Regarding Telerik Code Converter for ASP.NET Core Migration

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Luna asked on 04 Jan 2024, 05:42 AM | edited on 10 Jan 2024, 09:11 AM

Greetings Forum Members,

I trust you're all doing well. I'm currently involved in a project at my company, where we are contemplating migrating an existing ASP.NET project (built with the old aspx and to the newer ASP.NET Core. Our consideration involves using the Telerik code converter to transition the code from to c#.

I'm reaching out to the community to gather insights on whether the Telerik code converter takes into account libraries during the conversion process. If any of you have experience with this tool or similar migration scenarios, your guidance would be immensely valuable.

Thank you for your time and assistance. Looking forward to your knowledgeable responses.

Best regards,


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