I would simulate the "DblClick" event that Telerik use to open the window with the "Create Appointment" default fields. I have a button in the page, outside the TelerikScheduler component, and I would like to create a new Appointment by there, using the default "CreateAppointment" Telerik window, obviously with tha "StartDate" and "EndDate" fields empty. A generic Appointment, in few words.
Is there any way to do this? Where I can find the method that open that window?
(I found this in the "kendo.all.min.js", but I am not sure if it is the right point where Telerik launch the method:
t.trigger("add", { eventInfo: f({ start: i.startDate(), end: i.endDate() }, o);
if it is, how can I use it?)
Angelo Marzullo