I know that many other people have posted threads about this issue; however, non of them got my issue resolved. Well, I'm trying to send the content of RadEditor , which contains images (uploaded to a folder on the web server) to as an email (using GMail), but when the email is received, the image is unavailable. ContentFilters is set to "MakeUrlsAbsolute, DefaultFilters", SearchPatterns is set to "*.jpeg,*.jpg,*.png,*.gif,*.bmp". I've gove "Everyone" access to the folder where images are uploaded but this has not fixed the issue. When I inspected the<img> tag in the received email, I found out that the URL has been changed to "https://ci4.googleusercontent.com/proxy/" and some random letters before the actual URL. I'm not sure why this is happening and whether this is a GMail issue or RadEditor issue. Nothing online helped me to get this issue resolved.