I have a grid with a column that has department code as its data. I use templates to display the actual department name in the grid and for editing, grouping, and filtering. When I sort the column, it sorts it by the department code and not the displayed department name. How can I get it to sort by the department name and not the department code?
<GridColumn Field="DeptCode" Width="200px" title="Department" Editable="CurrentUser.IsAdmin" >
CurrentlyEditedRecord = context as Data.InvRecord;
<TelerikDropDownList Data="@Departments"
TextField="DeptNameFull" ValueField="DeptCode"
Width="100%" PopupHeight="50%">
// a Template is used to show the foreign key data that is user-friendly
string DepartmentCode = (string)(context as Data.InvRecord).DeptCode;
CIEData.EntityClasses.VaiDepartmentEntity matchingPos = Departments.FirstOrDefault(r => r.DeptCode == DepartmentCode);
string textToRender = matchingPos != null ? matchingPos.DeptNameFull : "Unknown";
string Id = (string)context.Value;
CIEData.EntityClasses.VaiDepartmentEntity matchingPos = Departments.FirstOrDefault(r => r.DeptCode == Id);
string textToRender = matchingPos != null ? matchingPos.DeptNameFull : "Unknown";
<div class="filterTemplate">
@foreach (var x in Departments)
<TelerikCheckBox Value="@(context.FilterDescriptor.FilterDescriptors.Select(f => (f as FilterDescriptor).Value).ToList().Contains(x.DeptCode))"
ValueChanged="@((value) => UpdateCheckedDeptStatus(value, x.DeptCode, context))"
<label for="@($"dept_{x.DeptCode}")">
@if (x == null) // part of handling nulls - show meaningful text for the end user