Heat Map design

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Abdur asked on 21 Aug 2024, 05:05 PM
I want to create this chart in Blazor UI but can't seem to find it anywhere.

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Telerik team
answered on 22 Aug 2024, 08:34 AM

Hello Abdur,

Thank you for the provided screenshot of the result you want to achieve.

We have an open feature request in our feedback portal for component with such a design: Addition of a Treemap component. I voted for it on your behalf to bump its priority.

For the time being, you can consider wrapping the Kendo jQuery TreeMap widget by following the sample project in our public repository: jQuery Kendo Widgets in Blazor.

You can also subscribe to the item to get notified of any status updates via email (this is the best way to know when/if a feature is implemented. When we plan it for a certain release, we announce that information in the portal).

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commented on 28 Aug 2024, 02:24 PM

Then is there any component in Blazor that match or come close as possible to the when shown in the image ?
Telerik team
commented on 29 Aug 2024, 12:41 PM

@Abdur - the HeatMap has a quite unique design and purpose, so I am afraid there is no other similar component in the Blazor suite.
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Telerik team
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