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Having edit/update/delete on one grid cause refresh on another?

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This is a migrated thread and some comments may be shown as answers.
Brooks Talley
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Brooks Talley asked on 31 Aug 2008, 05:36 AM
Hi -- I'm new to the RadControls, and really enjoying them.  However, I have a vexing problem that I can't seem to get my head around.

What I've got is a page with two RadGrid controls, RadGrid1 and RadGrid2.  Technically, they could be displayed as a hierarchy, since RadGrid1 is a "categories" table and RadGrid2 is an "items" table where each item has a category.  However, for UI reasons, that's not what I want to do.

I'm using RadAjaxManager, and everything is working great in both grids... except edits in RadGrid1 are not reflected in RadGrid2.  I have RadGrid1 set to update both grids in RadAjaxManager.

What I'm thinking is that I need some way to tell RadGrid1 that in the event of a successful insert/update/delete it should do a postback.  Or maybe there's some client piece that can tell RadGrid2 to reload upon changes to RadGrid1.  I've tried every permutation of the RadGrid1_ItemUpdated event, RadGrid2.Rebind, and so on, but I think I'm just not understanding what's going on well enough to do the righ thing.

Please advise!

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answered on 01 Sep 2008, 04:58 AM

Here is an online demo which presents dependant Grids. Go through it and see if it helps.
Related grids

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Brooks Talley
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