Hi Team,
I am facing a issue in RadGrid, when EditMode="Batch",BatchEditingSettings-EditType="Cell" BatchEditingSettings-OpenEditingEvent="Click".
If I have result of 10 rows, I click on a cell in a columns and I need to choose a value from dropdown, but I do not select any value and click on another cell in same column, then I receive a Error : Unable to get property 'replace' of undefined or null reference with below reference.
b.RadComboBox.htmlDecode=function(c){return b.RadComboBox.replace(c,{"<":"<",">":">",""":'"',"&":"&"});
b.RadComboBox.htmlEncode=function(c){return b.RadComboBox.replace(c,{"&":"&","<":"<",">":">"});
b.RadComboBox.isIEDocumentMode8=function(){return document.documentMode&&document.documentMode==8;
b.RadComboBox.replace=function(e,d){for(var c in d){e=e.replace(new RegExp(c,"g"),d[c]);
Can you please help me on this.