In the documentation is stated:
When only some column widths are set and the cumulative width of columns with set widths is less than the available Grid width, the widths of the columns with a set width are respected and the remaining width is distributed evenly between the other columns.
This behaviour work well if the columns in the grid are all visibles.
If there are some invisible columns (property Visible="false") the remaining width is NOT distributed between the other columns (columns without Width property).
Col1 Width="10px" Col2 Width="10px" Col3 (without width property) Col4 Width="10px"
in this situation Col3 is sized correctly based on the remaing width.
Col1 Width="10px" Col2 Width="10px" Visible="false" Col3 (without width property) Col4 Width="10px"
in this situation Col3 is sized based on the remaing width BUT also Col4 width is changed!
Any suggestion?