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Grid / Chart in TemplateColumn Returning Data with "or em"

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Tommy asked on 17 Jun 2010, 11:55 AM
I'm basically took the example the telerik had on its site with having a chart inside a grid. However when I run it I'm returning "or em" in the values where I would like currency to display. Trying to run this so that the different Currency exchange will pull in daily. I can't figure out why its doing this and whether its a cs error that I messed up on or not. Even anyone can please help me with this or have any ideas would be greatly appreciated! Here is my code behind this.


<td valign="top">



<telerik:RadGrid ID="rgdCurrency" runat="server" AutoGenerateColumns="False" DataSourceID="dsCurrencyHeader"



GridLines="None" Width="200px" OnItemDataBound="rgdCurrency_ItemDataBound" >



<MasterTableView DataSourceID="dsCurrencyHeader" AutoGenerateColumns="False" DataKeyNames="currencycd">






<telerik:GridBoundColumn DataField="currencycd" HeaderText="Currency" SortExpression="currencycd"









<telerik:GridTemplateColumn DataField="currencycd" UniqueName="ChartColumn" HeaderText="Exchange">






<telerik:RadChart ID="rdcCurrency" runat="server" AutoLayout="True" DataSourceID="dsCurrencyDetail"



DefaultType="Line" Height="25px" Width="50px" CreateImageMap="False" SeriesPalette="WebBlue">






<telerik:ChartSeries Name="perDirhamExchAmt" DataYColumn="perDirhamExchAmt" Type="Line">






<FillStyle MainColor="94, 117, 142" SecondColor="222, 245, 245">






<LabelAppearance Visible="False">






<Border Color="DimGray" />















<XAxis IsZeroBased="False">



<Appearance MajorTick-Visible="False">



<MajorGridLines Color="DimGray" Visible="False" Width="0" />



<LabelAppearance Visible="False">















<Appearance TextProperties-Font="Verdana, 9.75pt, style=Bold">















<YAxis IsZeroBased="False">



<Appearance MajorTick-Visible="False" MinorTick-Visible="False">



<MajorGridLines Color="DimGray" Visible="False" />



<LabelAppearance Visible="False">















<Appearance TextProperties-Font="Verdana, 9.75pt, style=Bold">


















<Appearance MajorTick-Visible="False" MinorTick-Visible="False">



<MinorGridLines Visible="False" />



<LabelAppearance Visible="False">















<Appearance TextProperties-Font="Verdana, 9.75pt, style=Bold">















<Appearance Corners="Round, Round, Round, Round, 6" SeriesPalette="WebBlue">



<FillStyle FillType="Solid" MainColor="White" SecondColor="White">






<Border Color="DimGray" Visible="False" />









<ChartTitle Visible="False">



<Appearance Corners="Round, Round, Round, Round, 6" Dimensions-Margins="4%, 10px, 14px, 0%"



Position-AlignedPosition="Top" Visible="False">



<FillStyle GammaCorrection="False" MainColor="224, 224, 224">






<Border Color="DimGray" />









<Appearance TextProperties-Font="Verdana, 11.25pt">












<Legend Visible="False">



<Appearance Visible="False">



<ItemTextAppearance TextProperties-Color="DimGray">






<Border Color="DimGray" />




























protected void rgdCurrency_ItemDataBound(object sender, GridItemEventArgs e)




if (e.Item is GridDataItem)




GridDataItem item = e.Item as GridDataItem;



RadChart chart = item["ChartColumn"].FindControl("rdcCurrency") as RadChart;


dsCurrencyDetail.SelectParameters[0].DefaultValue = item.GetDataKeyValue(



chart.DataSource = dsCurrencyDetail.Select(






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Telerik team
answered on 23 Jun 2010, 10:46 AM
Hi Tommy,

I examined the code which you post and it is looks correct, however it is not runnable and I could not reproduce the described issue. Could you please send us a small runnable project which demonstrates the issue. You could open a formal support ticket from your Telerik account and attach a ZIP file there. Thus we will be able to we debug the project and provide you with more to-the-point answer.

Kind regards,
the Telerik team
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