I have a live site I can post here, but im not sure im suppose to do that in an open forum, and not sure I even want it visible, but if needed I can post link, but here is problem:
I have a page that uses RadScheduler and external edit in RadDock, everything works perfect for me on my local machine until i upload to godaddy server, and they have AJAX installed, so this shouldnt be the issue, and my page with a scheduler and no external edit works fine:
when click in the calendar and create any event you will get this first javascript error:
Sys.ArgumentUndefinedException: Value cannot be undefined. Parameter name: id
- But when i run FireBug it breaks in this function,line 4305:
function Sys$_ScriptLoader$_loadScriptsInternal() {
- then do a second event (afte clicking cancel in raddock if you brought up the edit window), again anything, like click prev or next date butons, or double click in calendar to bring up raddock, and the system will freeze up, and this javascript error occurs:
Sys.ArgumentNullException: Value cannot be null. Parameter name: element.
- Firebug doesnt seem to break on this error, but its probably ruined from the first error??
- so i guess lets start by asking if anyone has tried to host a site with this control at godaddy? Or Telerik people please help, posting a forum because no one replied to my support ticket yet, so if a telerik admin is reading this, try to find my open support ticket for actual link and details.
Help please, godaddy is offering no support on this subject!!!!!!!
Anything to do with this post maybe?? doubt it but maybe:
I have a page that uses RadScheduler and external edit in RadDock, everything works perfect for me on my local machine until i upload to godaddy server, and they have AJAX installed, so this shouldnt be the issue, and my page with a scheduler and no external edit works fine:
when click in the calendar and create any event you will get this first javascript error:
Sys.ArgumentUndefinedException: Value cannot be undefined. Parameter name: id
- But when i run FireBug it breaks in this function,line 4305:
function Sys$_ScriptLoader$_loadScriptsInternal() {
4278 // Load up the next script in the list
4279 if (this._scriptsToLoad && this._scriptsToLoad.length > 0) {
4280 var nextScript = Array.dequeue(this._scriptsToLoad);
4281 // Inject a script element into the DOM
4282 var scriptElement = this._createScriptElement(nextScript);
4284 if (scriptElement.text && Sys.Browser.agent === Sys.Browser.Safari) {
4285 // Safari requires the inline script to be in the innerHTML attribute
4286 scriptElement.innerHTML = scriptElement.text;
4287 delete scriptElement.text;
4288 }
4290 // AtlasWhidbey 36149: If they queue an empty script block "", we can't tell the difference between
4291 // a script block queue entry and a src entry with just if(!element.text).
4292 // dont use scriptElement.src --> FF resolves that to the current directory, IE leaves it blank.
4293 // nextScript.src is always a string if it's a non block script.
4294 if (typeof(nextScript.src) === "string") {
4295 // We only need to worry about timing out and loading if the script tag has a 'src'.
4296 this._currentTask = new Sys._ScriptLoaderTask(scriptElement, this._scriptLoadedDelegate);
4297 // note: task is responsible for disposing of _itself_. This is necessary so that the ScriptLoader can continue
// with script loading after a script notifies it has loaded. The task
sticks around until the dom element finishes
4299 // completely, and disposes itself automatically.
// note: its possible for notify to occur before this method even
returns in IE! So it should remain the last possible statement.
4301 this._currentTask.execute();
4302 }
4303 else {
4304 // script is literal script, so just load the script by adding the new element to the DOM
4305 document.getElementsByTagName('HEAD')[0].appendChild(scriptElement);
4307 // DevDiv 74151: Do not assume the script executes synchronously. Use a setTimeout to delay
4308 // proceeding, which ensures the script executes before we continue. This was first introduced
4309 // as a workaround for a Firefox bug, but we do it for all browsers in order to avoid making
4310 // an assumption that may be wrong in the future. Executing the script synchronously is not
4311 // in any spec or recommendation.
4312 var scriptLoader = this; // used in the setTimeout closure
4313 window.setTimeout(function() {
4314 // cleanup (removes the script element in release mode).
4315 Sys._ScriptLoader._clearScript(scriptElement);
4316 // Resume script loading progress.
4317 scriptLoader._loadScriptsInternal();
4318 }, 0);
4319 }
4320 }
4321 else {
4322 // When there are no more scripts to load, call the final event
4323 var callback = this._allScriptsLoadedCallback;
4324 this._stopLoading();
4325 if(callback) {
4326 callback(this);
4327 }
4328 }
4329 }
- then do a second event (afte clicking cancel in raddock if you brought up the edit window), again anything, like click prev or next date butons, or double click in calendar to bring up raddock, and the system will freeze up, and this javascript error occurs:
Sys.ArgumentNullException: Value cannot be null. Parameter name: element.
- Firebug doesnt seem to break on this error, but its probably ruined from the first error??
- so i guess lets start by asking if anyone has tried to host a site with this control at godaddy? Or Telerik people please help, posting a forum because no one replied to my support ticket yet, so if a telerik admin is reading this, try to find my open support ticket for actual link and details.
Help please, godaddy is offering no support on this subject!!!!!!!
Anything to do with this post maybe?? doubt it but maybe: