Hi I have made a utility class for helping with state management
<TelerikButton OnClick="@_gridStateManager.SaveState" Icon="download">Save State</TelerikButton>
<TelerikButton OnClick="@_gridStateManager.LoadState" Icon="upload">Load State</TelerikButton>
<TelerikButton OnClick="@_gridStateManager.ResetState" Icon="reset">Reset State</TelerikButton>
In the code behind file
protected override async Task OnInitializedAsync()
_gridStateManager = new GridStateManager<PortfolioListItem>(LocalStorage, PortfolioListGrid, GetDefaultGridState);
The problem is that the GridStateManger gets a null reference to the grid.
I know that the @ref is only safe to get in OnAfterRender / Async. How can I initialize the GridStateManager with the @ref set and also make it possible for the grid to call :
OnStateInit="@((GridStateEventArgs<PortfolioListItem> args) => _gridStateManager.OnStateInitHandler(args))">
In a safe way?
This is the code for my GridStateManager
using System;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Blazored.LocalStorage;
using Telerik.Blazor.Components;
namespace Argus.Client;
public class GridStateManager<T> where T : class
private readonly ILocalStorageService _localStorage;
private readonly TelerikGrid<T> _grid;
private readonly Func<GridState<T>> _getDefaultGridState;
private readonly string _stateStorageKey;
public GridStateManager(
ILocalStorageService localStorage,
TelerikGrid<T> grid,
Func<GridState<T>> getDefaultGridState)
_localStorage = localStorage;
_grid = grid;
_getDefaultGridState = getDefaultGridState;
_stateStorageKey = $"GridStateFor{nameof(T)}";
public async Task OnStateInitHandler(GridStateEventArgs<T> args)
var storageState = await _localStorage.GetItemAsync<GridState<T>>(_stateStorageKey);
if (storageState != null)
args.GridState = storageState;
if (storageState == null && _getDefaultGridState != null)
args.GridState = _getDefaultGridState();
catch (Exception e)
public async Task SaveState()
var gridState = _grid.GetState();
await _localStorage.SetItemAsync(_stateStorageKey, gridState);
public async Task LoadState()
GridState<T> storedState = await _localStorage.GetItemAsync<GridState<T>>(_stateStorageKey);
if (storedState != null)
await _grid.SetState(storedState);
public async void ResetState()
if (_getDefaultGridState != null)
await _grid.SetState(_getDefaultGridState());
await _localStorage.RemoveItemAsync(_stateStorageKey);
If I could get the grid reference in the OnStateInit EventCallBack then I would have solved the problem
OnStateInit="@((GridStateEventArgs<PortfolioListItem> args) => _gridStateManager.OnStateInitHandler(args, @gridRef))">
I then tried to create the GridStateManger in the OnStateInit call from the grid. But I still don't have a valid ref to the grid, why?
OnStateInit="@((GridStateEventArgs<PortfolioListItem> args) => InitGridStateManager(args))">
private async Task InitGridStateManager(GridStateEventArgs<PortfolioListItem> args)
_gridStateManager = new GridStateManager<PortfolioListItem>(LocalStorage, PortfolioListGrid, GetDefaultGridState);
await _gridStateManager.OnStateInitHandler(args);
I think that's the only way to do this in Blazor, and the fact that you can't have a @ref sooner is one of the reasons why we made dedicated events for the grid state with suitable arguments.
Something else you could consider (but I have not tested and I don't know if it will work) is to use the setter of the field you point the @ref to to populate the service with that reference as well.