I am trying to update a read-only GridDateTimeColumn field in a Rad Grid while the item is being edited. The computation to do the update is to calculate the calendar date based off the Julian date in a RadNumeric TextBox. I am able to get the two controls client ID's by using the following code server-side on the Item Created event:
RadNumericTextBox rnumtxt1 = item.FindControl("gtbJulianDate") as RadNumericTextBox;
RadDatePicker picker = (RadDatePicker)item["GroundDate"].Controls[0] as RadDatePicker;
rnumtxt1.Attributes.Add("onBlur", "return updateGround('" + rnumtxt1.ClientID + "','" + picker.ClientID + "')");
The javascript function finds the RadNumeric TextBox just fine and can perform the computation, but when I set the picker field on the client-side, it always ends up being null. I use the following code to set the variables:
var julianTxtBox = $find(txt1);
var groundDate = $find(txt2);
Can you please help by letting me know why that is not working or if there are any other ways to access that field and set it on the client?
I am trying to update a read-only GridDateTimeColumn field in a Rad Grid while the item is being edited. The computation to do the update is to calculate the calendar date based off the Julian date in a RadNumeric TextBox. I am able to get the two controls client ID's by using the following code server-side on the Item Created event:
RadNumericTextBox rnumtxt1 = item.FindControl("gtbJulianDate") as RadNumericTextBox;
RadDatePicker picker = (RadDatePicker)item["GroundDate"].Controls[0] as RadDatePicker;
rnumtxt1.Attributes.Add("onBlur", "return updateGround('" + rnumtxt1.ClientID + "','" + picker.ClientID + "')");
The javascript function finds the RadNumeric TextBox just fine and can perform the computation, but when I set the picker field on the client-side, it always ends up being null. I use the following code to set the variables:
var julianTxtBox = $find(txt1);
var groundDate = $find(txt2);
Can you please help by letting me know why that is not working or if there are any other ways to access that field and set it on the client?