In our application, we have to meet several requirements that require us to focus the cursor on the first field of the edit item. We are able to achieve this in a few different ways. Either grabbing the edit item on the ItemDataBound event, or even through the use of javascript that you're team has provided on your site. Although this gives the field focus, it's almost as if it's not true focus. We also have these fields with the properties of 'EnableLoadOnDemand=true' and 'AutoPostback=true' trying to achieve that whenever the customer types in even one letter, the program should mark the first match in the data-bound control. When we focus it, and start typing, nothing happens at all outside of the text being displayed, but if we focus away and then CLICK back to the input area, it sense the text input correctly. We need the field to sense the input and cause the drop-down to load right after clicking insert and gaining focus. We are using the ASP.NET AJAX version 2014.2.618.40 and this has been plaguing our site for a while now.
Please assist!
Please assist!