I'm currently using version 2010.1.309.35
I can't "find" rad docks or zones in JavaScript like what is shown http://demos.telerik.com/aspnet-ajax/dock/examples/clientsideapi/defaultcs.aspx
var zone = $find('ctl00_ph_rdzMain'); |
This ALWAYS returns null.
The HTML has the element:
<div id="ctl00_ph_rdzMain" class="RadDockZone RadDockZone_Default rdVertical " style="border-color:Transparent;border-width:1px;border-style:solid;width:870px;min-width:10px;min-height:10px;"> |
$find is working fine tho because I can find any other telerik control. The only ones I can't fine a anything to do with docking.
What am i doing wrong :(