I have 3 sections A, B and C. Each is a tilelayoutitem. I have to calculate the rowspan for each with a C# function. for example section A has 47 rows, B has 17 and C has 9. below is the snippet. when it renders there is a bunch of whitespace after the 47 rows in section A, a moderate about for the 17 rows in B and C shows up fine with only a little bit of whitespace. I don't know how to make each tilelayoutitem fit its content properly. thanks
@foreach (var item in Groups)
<TileLayoutItem HeaderText="@item" ColSpan="6" Class="tile-with-overflow" RowSpan="@CalculateRowSpan(@item)">
<SaleDetail Group="@item" FormatDetails="@SalesFormatDetails"></SaleDetail>