I'm using radScheduler of the version 2014.2.618.40 and I have a problem on stretching a appointment.
The view I'm showing is timeline view and when I stretch the appointment to add a day, the End property of the e.ModifiedAppointment object have two days more.
For example If my appointment start at 6h of day 25 and end at 13h of the same day. When I stretch it to day 26 the e.ModifiedAppointment.End has day 27 at 0 hours.
Some one know how comfigure the radScheduler for this property to return day 26 at 23:59?
I'm using radScheduler of the version 2014.2.618.40 and I have a problem on stretching a appointment.
The view I'm showing is timeline view and when I stretch the appointment to add a day, the End property of the e.ModifiedAppointment object have two days more.
For example If my appointment start at 6h of day 25 and end at 13h of the same day. When I stretch it to day 26 the e.ModifiedAppointment.End has day 27 at 0 hours.
Some one know how comfigure the radScheduler for this property to return day 26 at 23:59?