I customized the editor tools with a config similar with the one below (only a little longer):
<telerik:EditorToolGroup DockingZone="Bottom" >
<telerik:EditorTool Name="AbsolutePosition" ShowIcon="true" />
<telerik:EditorTool Name="TrackChangesDialog" Enabled="true" ShowIcon="true" />
My problem is that I don't know how what are the settings to make the words and charater count visible and also
the html hierarchy (Ex: UL > LI > STRONG > EM > U > STRIKE > FONT > FONT > RemoveElement).
If I don't do any settings they are visible.
PS: telerik:EditorToolGroup DockingZone="Bottom" DockingZone attribute is not visible in the VS2005 designer.
I use VS2005 + telerik Q3 2008 (I'll update to 2009 as soon as I have some time ).