We just put in place the editor in one of our production portals. Unfortunately, for every instance of the control we have on the page, it seems to make an additional page requests to the server. For instance, if we place 4 editor controls on the page, the page calls the "Page_Load" event 4 additional times. This behavior affects the logic we current have in place. Is there a way to prevent this from happening?
I've searched through the knowledge base and the forums posts and didnt find a clear answer to this issue. Below is control markup we are currently implementing.
We just put in place the editor in one of our production portals. Unfortunately, for every instance of the control we have on the page, it seems to make an additional page requests to the server. For instance, if we place 4 editor controls on the page, the page calls the "Page_Load" event 4 additional times. This behavior affects the logic we current have in place. Is there a way to prevent this from happening?
I've searched through the knowledge base and the forums posts and didnt find a clear answer to this issue. Below is control markup we are currently implementing.
<telerik:RadEditor ID="CompanyOverviewRadEditor" runat="server" |
ToolsFile="~/AdminResources/Editor/JobOpenings.xml" |
ContentAreaCssFile='<%# string.Format("/Resources/{0}/EditorStyles.css", CurrentWebsite.Id) %>' |
DocumentManager-ViewPaths='<%# new string[] {string.Format("/Resources/{0}/FileRepository/", CurrentWebsite.Id)} %>' |
DocumentManager-UploadPaths='<%# new string[] {string.Format("/Resources{0}/FileRepository/", CurrentWebsite.Id)} %>' |
DocumentManager-DeletePaths='<%# new string[] {string.Format("/Resources{0}/FileRepository/", CurrentWebsite.Id)} %>' |
ImageManager-ViewPaths='<%# new string[] {string.Format("/Resources/{0}/FileRepository/", CurrentWebsite.Id)} %>' |
ImageManager-UploadPaths='<%# new string[] {string.Format("/Resources/{0}/FileRepository/", CurrentWebsite.Id)} %>' |
ImageManager-DeletePaths='<%# new string[] {string.Format("/Resources{0}FileRepository/", CurrentWebsite.Id)} %>' |
Height="250px" |
Content='<%# Bind("CompanyOverview") %>'> |
<CssFiles> |
<telerik:EditorCssFile Value="" /> |
</CssFiles> |
</telerik:RadEditor> |