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Editor dialogs ReloadOnShow property

1 Answer 64 Views
This is a migrated thread and some comments may be shown as answers.
ido nahmias
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ido nahmias asked on 22 Apr 2014, 01:12 PM

Is there any way to set the default behavior for reloading the editor dialogs?
I know that you can set the "ReloadOnShow" property for the "DialogDefinition" class but i cant find a way to set it for the editor dialogs.

Thank you

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Telerik team
answered on 24 Apr 2014, 12:06 PM

Hello Ido,

I can suggest achieving that via client-side approach and set the ReloadOnShow property with the dialog's API.

I can propose two available implementations:

  • Setting the ReloadOnShow to true to all dialogs that can be set with this property:
    <telerik:RadEditor runat="server" ID="RadEditor1" OnClientCommandExecuted="OnClientCommandExecuted">
    <script type="text/javascript">
        function OnClientCommandExecuted(editor, args) {
            var command = args.get_commandName();
            var dialogs = editor.get_dialogOpener()._dialogContainers;
            var dialog = dialogs[command];
            if (dialog && dialog.get_reloadOnShow && !dialog.get_reloadOnShow())
  • Setting it only to the predefined dialogs:
    <telerik:RadEditor runat="server" ID="RadEditor1" OnClientCommandExecuted="OnClientCommandExecuted">
    <script type="text/javascript">
        function OnClientCommandExecuted(editor, args) {
            var command = args.get_commandName();
            var dialogs = editor.get_dialogOpener()._dialogContainers;
            var dialog = dialogs[command];
            if (dialog) {
                var dialogName = command;
                switch (dialogName) {
                    case "ImageManager":
                        if (dialog && dialog.get_reloadOnShow && !dialog.get_reloadOnShow())
                    case "DocumentManager":
                        if (dialog && dialog.get_reloadOnShow && !dialog.get_reloadOnShow())
                        //You can set further the desired dialogs as the above logic



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ido nahmias
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Rank 1
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Telerik team
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