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Editor - Hide some Image manage Properties

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Ravi asked on 10 Jun 2014, 02:30 PM

  Here i have two questions :-

1.  How  to hide image button from properties, find the attachment

2.  On clicking on that image button i need to call javascript function,  here i am using

     OnClientCommandExecuting="changeImageManager"   its working when i click "imagebutton from tools" but its not working when i click on  "image manager properties" imagebutton.

Please answer me for these questions.

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answered on 12 Jun 2014, 06:11 AM
Hi Ravi,

Modifying the editor dialogs is possible by following the Customize Built-in Editor Dialog approach, demonstrated in this live example. In your case you should modify the SetImageProperties.ascx file and set properly the ExternalDialogsPath property as suggested in the mentioned demo.

A similar actions is also described in this KB article.

Executing further logic upon triggering dialog tools is not a matter handled by the OnClientCommandExecuting or OnClientCommandExecuted events. These events are raised only when commands form the toolbar are executed.

To add some custom logic, you should again follow the dialog customization approach and define the desired logic with the possible event handlers.


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