how can I configure the radGrid so that the columns geht automaticly the width so that all data are shown without a break.
Herer is the code
how can I configure the radGrid so that the columns geht automaticly the width so that all data are shown without a break.
Herer is the code
<rc:TelerikGrid AutoSave="false" ID="RadGrid1" runat="server" SkinID="List" DataSourceID="" |
AllowSorting="false" Width="100%" AutoGenerateColumns="true" ShowGroupPanel="false" |
ShowFooter="false" AllowPaging="false" PageSize="20" enableajax="false" |
GroupingEnabled="false" AllowFilteringByColumn="true" ToolTip="false"> |
<ClientSettings AllowDragToGroup="false" AllowExpandCollapse="false" AllowGroupExpandCollapse="false" > |
<Scrolling ScrollHeight="460px" SaveScrollPosition="false" /> |
<ClientEvents OnMasterTableViewCreated="hide_MasterApp_Updateprogress" /> |
</ClientSettings> |
<HeaderStyle Width="150" Wrap="true" /> |
<ItemStyle Wrap="false" /> |
<MasterTableView CssClass="MasterTable" CommandItemDisplay="None" |
GroupLoadMode="Server"> |
<RowIndicatorColumn UniqueName="RowIndicator" Visible="false"> |
<HeaderStyle Width="20px" /> |
</RowIndicatorColumn> |
</MasterTableView> |
</rc:TelerikGrid> |